I am gettin a chameleon myself early next year. I am also getting a veiled chameleon.
I have see whitish green chameleons, Green chameleons, and Brown chameleons, all with splashes of other colors on their body. What confused me was arnt they supposed to change colors to blend in with their environment? but the white ones were not in a white environment but brown and and the green also in brown! the brown was in brown so i wasnt like
well am i wrong to think that chameleons change colors to blend in?
Thank. Very nice chameleon btw. I love them. especially their eyes and feet (sticky claws). haha
Cheers guys. More pics in this thread, cause I couldn't find this one.
Jer, chameleons don't have sticky feet. They have gripping toes and claws, which means they can fall off! And hurt. Re: your colour question. Chameleons have a "neutral" colour state. You see this when they sleep. Bud is bright green and blue with yellow triangles in his neutral state. Imagine a much lighter version of him in the first pic in the other thread. Chameleons change colour to blend in and in response to a threat. So in the other thread you can see how he changed all his green to brown when he escaped on the carpet. The black markings show stress/anger. They're not like squid which can instantly turn any colour and pulse. They have a colour range, for example Bud can turn bright green or dark brown/black, but he can't go red or purple. So yes, they do mimic their environment but they don't do it all the time. If a chameleon is trying to hide he'll stretch his body out, lay along a branch and wave backwards and forwards to try and imitate a leaf blowing in the wind. Which is why they walk like they're hesitating...
I have been told they have a very strong grip...so i thought u know, strong, sucky, sticky? haha...
are there any veiled chameleons that can change colors to purple, blue or red? or are veiled limited to green brown yellow and black basically? im assuming different specied of chameleons will have a different color range that is.
Well I have seen a couple of pics of veileds that have gone red and purple, but I'm not sure how common it is. Bud has a pretty wide range of colours, and he's not an adult yet... Every time he sheds he changes colours too, which is cool.
And yes, they have a very strong grip. I've seen Bud hang upside down off one foot then climb back up himself to get on a branch...