vegetables for fish


Fish Aficionado
Apr 22, 2004
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i heard u can give fish vegetables.

wat kind can u give them?

can u just get veges out of the fridge and will they eat it?

and will all fish eat it?
help wou;d be apriciated
Well, i feed my fish peas, lettuce and cucumber.

I wash it under the tap so nothing nasty is left on it, dry it well, and pop it in my tank. I weight the lettuce and cucumber down with a plant weight so my b'nose can eat some too :)
so will any fish eat it?
Hi there Dwarf_dude

The only veggies I've ever put in my tank are slices of zucchini and cucumber.
I normally nuke a slice or 2 of the zucchini in the microwave untill it is slightly soft, not totally mushy. The cucumber normally floats, so I use an elastic band to fasten it to a small pebble. My loaches (9 Polka dots, 3 clowns, 2 pakistani's and a zebra) Pleco and algae eaters go nuts over it. :p
It's my b'nose that eats most of the veggies, but my other fish have the occasional pick at them.

Herbivorous and Omnivorous fish benefit from the use of vegetables in their diet. Peas and Cucumber are particular favourites but there are others that do just as well. Some may need to be blanched before use to soften them for fish consumption. :)
thanx ryan ;)

my fishies are happily muching on some cucumber right now :D
I also feed the peas and cucumber. I pop the peas in a glass of really hot or boiling water and leave them for a while which just softens them up a bit. I shell them (I think I was told they have trouble eating the shells), and some I drop in 'whole' and some I mash in my fingers so as to give the little guys who wont visit the bottom a chance to munch.

Cucumber I just cut of an inch chunk and wiegh it down with a spare lead wieght from the plants. Clown loaches love it.

Growing courgette (zuchini) in the garden now so dont know about that one yet.


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