Various Tropical Fish - Free To Good Home

BTT, still need these rehomed? I plan to go to ELA tomorrow so could pick up if you or owner is around?

I hope BTT reads this. I can't get these fish until Sunday and they need uplifted asap. I have a contact number so can call it tomorrow on your behalf?

PM me your number and I'll call you when I've spoken to the gentleman.

Anyone know BTT's real name to PM me it? Don't want to phone up and quote a username!

LOL. Just ask for BTT. You don't get many of them around these parts.

Please post later if you have got them.


Just come on to update you. Great minds think alike LOL.

I now have

1 x golden gourami who is fighting off my old synodontis but its fat and in good shape. i think its female.
1 x honey gourami who is very shy and hiding in my plants. also fat and I'm sure TLC will help it come around.
1 x male phantom tetra. Also fat and is eating no problems and has joined my other phantoms.
4 x cardinals. They've all just got their colour back. One has a very humphy back but I don't think its neons disease. Its eating and swimming just fine. It looks like a deformity. 3 other cardinals look great.

and finally not so good ...

1 x 2" plec who doesn't look well at all. He's in my nano tank with the neons and cardinals and stray livebearers. He was struggling to swim the right way and just laid on his back. I have righted him up 3 times and the last time was about 3 hours ago. he hasn't moved since. I've put in a new plastic u bend in case it does recover and wants to hide but I don't know if it will be ok.

Will try and upload pics.


Just as I thought. The Plec has died. Underneath under its skin on its belly was white. I knew when it was in the bag this morning that it may not last the day. It was upside down and couldn't swim properly. dead upsetting cos I know I could have given it a good life. Wish I'd got down earlier for it.
I'm so glad you could re-home them Cozzygirl. :good:

Did you get the pleco from him. I didn't even know there was a plec there or I could have taken it............ Its a shame it died. :sad:

I'm so glad you could re-home them Cozzygirl. :good:

Did you get the pleco from him. I didn't even know there was a plec there or I could have taken it............ Its a shame it died. :sad:


Yep the pleco came with the rest. A wee shame.

The others are faring to different degrees.

the golden gourami is doing best despite the old syno head butting him most of the night. He's 16 and a bit territorial. The honey gourami is still hiding but I've seen it. Its not started eating yet. In fact its only the Golden Gourami that making any effort to eat. the cardinals are very shy and seemed to take a step backwards last night. they lost their colour and for all the world it looked like they were in shock. The phantom is perking up too but went really flat last night. Neither the cardinals or phantom are eating properly yet. Can you find out what they were fed on. I'm feeding them King British Tropical Flake and will try bloodworm later but I'm not sure they'll eat it.

PS Can they be flat because maybe my water conditions are a bit better than what they were in?
Very pleased to report that the honey gourami was first up for a feed a few minutes ago :). Golden guy was hanging back but ate and chased flake. Even better news is that I saw 1 cardinal (Humphy back) go for a bit of food and eat it and the other 3 came out of the u bend to see what was going on. Even better though ... the phantom has eaten a single flake LOL. I'm feeling a bit more chuffed now.

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