Ah, so many pretty fish not enough room.
I know there are so many beautiful fish out there and you want to get many kind. For the well being of the fish, more of their own kind is almost always better for them. Especially the Tetras. After all, most of the tetras are so called "schooling fish" and some they school in hundreds or even thouthands in wild. So I would highly recommend of having group of 6 or more if the tank space allow it.
So I personally I would never buy less than group of 6. I believe that would bring more natural behavior. And tend to live longer than they are kept in small number like 1 or 2. Also when you are buying some uncommon fish, you may find hard time try to find the same kind again later date.
Beside, bigger the tank it is the water is more steable and actually easier to maintain once it is cycled correctly.
SO BUY A BIGGEST TANK YOU CAN AFFORD AND PUT THE BIG GROUP OF FISH THAT TANK CAN SUPPORT AND ENJOY THEIR NATURAL BEHAVIOR. Unless of course, some fish that recommend to kepp in small number like territorial fish. But almost all Tetras, Danios and Corydoras are schooling fish and they do better with the big group of their own kind.