Vacation For 10 Days...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
so ill be gone for 10 days and unable to feed him his frozen bloodworms. what should i do? fatten him up before i go? i know fish can go a while w/o food but 10 days?? any tips or anything please.
Cut down on feeding before going.
Then giving him a nice feast.
Then he should be ok for a week.
Or you could just cut down and then leave him for a week.
Im sure other people do this.
Dont quote me though.

He should be fine. They can go without food for as long as two weeks but it would be better if you can arrange someone to feed him even once over that time.

Make sure you do a water change before you leave. You can drop a few baby snails in there (not right in front of him though) for him to hunt and hopefully that'll last a couple of days. I drop nearly hatching snail eggs and baby snails for them when I go away for a week.

If you have other inhabitants with him, then expect some nipping when he goes hungry. At least that's what happened to my amano shrimps when I was away (two weeks) for the first time.
ok, yea im wondering if i need to get my cherrys outa there...those things arent the easiest to catch in a heavily planted tank! im going to have a friend feed him once in the middle of my trip and ill add some snails in there. thank ya much

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