Uv Sterilizer


Apr 10, 2005
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Ontario, Canada
I had 60 pounds of flourite from an established tank that I used along with media, mulm and water to cycle a new tank about two weks ago.
Tested param's and everything was good to go, so I added my oscars and a UV sterilizer.
Within a few days the Nitrite had spiked to unacceptable levels (ammonia stayed @0) so I immediately unplugged the sterilizer and began water changes and dosing Prime.

My question is, how long should one wait to start running a UV sterilizer in a tank that one thought was already cycled?
I can only presume the addition of the oscars along with the sterilizer had an effect on the nitrifying bacteria or maybe just the oscars.
I've been testing everyday for 5 days now and the Nitrite has leveled itself back to acceptable levels of 0ppm.

Whatcha all think? :shout:
I think that the UV sterilizer will have NO impact on the cycling process what so ever.

Scratch that, in keeping algae at bay, therefore more ammonia available therefore it should IMO, actually AIDE the cycling process.

These Bacteria are sessile - they live attached to things and are not swimming about in the water in any great numbers. Now, when INITALLY cycling a tank then yes, UV off, but once that colony starts producing nitrite and nitrate, then on it goes, otherwise it would kill the source of the bacterial colonies, i.e. those bacteria floating about in the water....

get my drift?

Gotcha' drift brother. :good:

Thats what I was told by a pretty reputable source here as well.
It's been a little over two weeks, I'm sure the bacteria has had a chance to attach themselves to the substrate and filter media by now, but I'll wait 'till the weekend just to be safe before I plug 'er in again.
Thanks for the quick response Andy!

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