Uv Steriliser (internal)

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2006
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Market Rasen
I have read with intrest the topics on Freshwater UV sterilisers. It's something had never crossed my mind or heard of untill reading this forum. I just started again after 2 year break (Divorce / Moving house etc etc..) and has I like to keep loaches (Clowns esp.) which are scaleless and very sensitive to salt and certain infections (WS) I think I should invest in one BUT:

The TMC are two big for my current stand, It only has a little cupboard on the left that the canister fills and no other room so thinking of getting the internal "Fish r Fun" one (Yeah I know BAD name) for the moment and getting a TMC Vecton UV when I get me knew tank sorted :)

What are peoples thoughts on these, Use em? Good? Bad?

Where can you buy new bulbs?

Worth the money if you keeping scaleless fish?

Thanks.............. :good:
With scaleless fish I think they are an excellent idea.

I know several people who use the internal sterilzer and are happy with it, you just have to keep the sponge prefilter clean.

Surrey pet supplies I believe sell the spares.

I would go for a TMC myself as they have longer contact time between water and UV source, but the internals serve a good purpose.

Yeah but the TMC units to big to go in with my canister :(

Defo gonna get one when upgrade to a bigger tank :D But these seam a good idea for now, Better to prevent than cure I say.

Old way to treat WS was half dose of treatment (Scaleless fish are very sensitive to it) and raise temp to 30c (Which other fish in tank where not 2 happy about).

Saying that in the last 2 years I had this tank running before I din't have any health problems and did not lose any fish but was a very mature tank (3 years) and no new stock added at all in that time.


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