UV steralizer/filter


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2004
Reaction score
Kent, England
I was thinking of getting an external filter system for the tank so that I can have an external heater and a UV filter. I have just had a very bad bacterial problem and don't want it to happen again.

My questions are: Are they worth having? and can you use a standard pond type (they are much cheaper).


cant help... but i got one bundled in with a load of marine stuff i got today - So i'll be keeping an eye on this thread...

hopefully someone will help out.
Thanks for the reply smithrc.

My main interest is what is the difference between a pond uv filter and a aquarium uv filter. Pond uv filters are alot cheaper and was thinkink of using one.


I think you'll find the main difference is that on pond UV's they'll have adaptors for much bigger hose than the hose on external filters, i'm sure it could be bodged/diy'd in but there's always the chance of a leak then.

to get a external heater i think ehiem is the possible way to go but the filter with built in heater is gonna hit your wallet hard!! I find the heaters quite easy to hide behind plants and rocks!!
Paul is correct about the hose adaptors. The aquarium UV sterilizer comes with a couple of different fittings than the pond ones. I just purchased a UV sterilizer yesterday, and I plan on putting it all together today. The gentleman at the LFS gave me a deal, so my aquarium UV sterilizer cost the same as the pond ones! :kana:

UV sterilizers are not necessary, but if you can afford one it'll be worth it. They're supposed to improve water quality, prevent any 'nasties' problems, and kill the algae floating around. Many people have commented on how clear their water was after hooking up a UV sterilizer.
Thanks for the replys.

I went to my LFS today and they told me that the pond ones actually work differently. The bulb in an aqaurium uv unit is alot closer to the water.

I have seen an external heater made by Hydor. See this link

They look good, but the only thing it doesn't say is what size tank it can go up to.

Yep, thats the one (that will teach me for not checking the link :rolleyes: )

It doesn't indicate what size of tank they would be suitable for though, unless it's the same as for conventional ones.

Their not too expensive either, I have seen them for less than £40.

it'll be the same as normall heaters i would guess. It's heating the same water afterall.
Thanks for the addy ad_smith. I saw them on there yesterday and they are the best price.

Fitted a Fluval 204 yesterday and it seems to be doing a much better job than the hood filter and there is actually water movement! The hood filter was gravity fed back into the tank!

I have just bought (over ebay) a nearly new Vecton 8W with new bulb and all the fittings so I should have it some time next week. Good bye nasty bacteria and algy :flex:

The heater may come next month

crookedfish said:
Thanks for the addy ad_smith. I saw them on there yesterday and they are the best price.

Fitted a Fluval 204 yesterday and it seems to be doing a much better job than the hood filter and there is actually water movement! The hood filter was gravity fed back into the tank!

I have just bought (over ebay) a nearly new Vecton 8W with new bulb and all the fittings so I should have it some time next week. Good bye nasty bacteria and algy :flex:

The heater may come next month

oddly enough - the vectron UV8 is the filter i got in the bundel of stuff :D

I've been fiddeling with a 304 tonight - its a bit messy :sly:
I need a bit more hose to join it up properly though.

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