Using Sea Shells In A Tank?

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Fish Fanatic
Feb 16, 2014
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I have a BUNCH of gorgeous sea shells.   Can I glue them together to make a cool structure for my tank?  I have 2 small conchs in there now that were boiled and scrubbed, but I'd love to make something bigger.   Not sure what kind of glue to use either!
I wouldn't, as they can break down and increase the hardness of the water.
Yeah :c For some cave ideas, I'm using PVC pipes siliconed and rolled in sand in THIS tank, have pics of the one we've done on page 3. Tis not done yet.
Then a lovely member on here, Alasse, has used PVC pipes as well but uses some other stuff to make them look much more natural. Might be something you'd like to do. HERE is her thread, the caves are on page 3.
You can also use slate, though I've not done that.
I just have all these gorgeous shells, and I HATE the fake backgrounds.   I was hoping to create a curtain of sorts with the shells, to hide the tubes and cords showing through the back.  I may need to just get some real plants.    but they still scare me.  LOL
Why don't you get a solid color background? Black makes the colors of the fish & plants pop :) You don't have to buy one at the store even, you can just cut a black trash bag like Ellie has done HERE on post #106.
Just for the record, invert tanks and snail benefit greatly from a few shells.  I have really soft water and the snail love the shells.
If you really want shells, choose those glazed/polished ones that are designed to be waterproof i think, with the mother-of-pearl sheen showing and not those, old, porous, crumby ones that might as well be fossils
The shells I have now are very solid ones.   Come off the coast of North Carolina.  Not the tiny, dinky clam looking, but heavy duty.  At the moment I have 2 snail shells, a small conch shaped shell, a large conch shaped shell, and a partial that is open.   I can certainly take the 3 saller ones out if they truly might leach minerals into the water.  I LOVE the way the 2 large ones look, though.   I will go take some pictures and try to upload. 
The ones I wanted to glue together are the porous ones!   I'm glad I didn't try to use those.
Here are the pictures.   For what it's worth, I HATE the bubbling house.    But Husband says he always wanted one.   Ugh.
It's not so much that shells 'leach' minerals into the water; the minerals come from the shells themselves actually dissolving.
This will raise the hardness and pH of the water in your tank, and it will also ruin your shells.

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