Using sand


Feb 5, 2004
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I've some people say sand can mess up some filters but others are OK with it. I'm in the middle of setting up a 30 gallon and want to put sand in it. Would the Whisper filter be OK with it?
I have a whisper fall filter. (hangs over the tank)

I use sand and have for many years- with no problems.

Don't use sand with an UGF (Under Gravel/Ground Filter)- the sand particles will fall below and basically mess it up.

My intake valve is not more than an inch above the sand- and has been going for many years. (in different sandy tanks).

Most people need to use a chopstick or a finger/stick to stirr the sand as sometimes gasses collect and might mess your tank up.

I've found in a very heavilly planted tank with plenty of sand "divers" ( aquatic beings that stirr my sand for me)- this wasnt neccisary. :D

HTH's. :thumbs: :hyper:
I agree, should be ok provided the sand is thoroughly rinsed when first put in, and the intake of the filter isn't very close to the sand surface.
Can i buy my sand from homedepot what kind is it safe for fish. So no UGF ok.
i just set up a new 55 with sand and the wisper, and i used home depots play sand.
we washed it for about 2 hours and thought we got most of the dust out.
today it finally
Thanks for the help, I was hoping it would be OK since I like to look of sand much more than gravel.
The type of sand has a great impact on the maintenance required. Siler sand, building sadn and so forth tends to pack down very hard in a short time so raking it around is a frequent activity. For the last 10+ years I have used swimming pool filter sand which I find packs down softly over a long period, just a poke about with a chopstick once in a while.

Don't get coral sand or any other calcareous stuff, if it fizzes with vinegar, it is not suitable unless you are keeping rift valley species or marines.
I've heard many people recommend "blasting sand", too. It's a silica sand that usually has larger grains than "play sand" does.

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