I agree with snazy. Dechlorinator is cheap, prime is expensive. If it's just a cycle use the cheapest stuff you can find. Leaving the ammonia alone is the best bet.
I wouldnt exactly call Prime expensive, its 10x more effective then water conditioner. The 500ml bottle I have works for 5000 gallons ( 5ml for 50 gallons compared to the usual 10ml for 10 gallons )
Couldn't agree more with this. Prime is by far the best dechlorinater. I pay £14 for a 500ml bottle that's good for treating 20,000 litres. Between my 125gal and my 40gal a 500ml bottle will last me 20-24 months doing weekly 40-50% water changes in both tanks. That's a cost of around 15p a week lol
Hey thanks. I have some stress coat will it work? It says fish and water conditioner, makes tap water safe. It doesn't say anything about removing chlorine
API stress coat or something else? Usually if it says it makes tap water safe it will remove the Chlorine and other hard metals in the water