Using Play Sand In Your Tank

Is it normal in a tank with sand, for the sand to cover everything, its over the heater, filter and mopani
not really, playsand is quite fine and it does get blown around a little but not excessively.
Il just keep giving it a dust, what superglue cant I use to stick moss to stuff, Ive just got some but it says on the back Warning: CYANOACRYLATE whats this and can I use it
Il just keep giving it a dust, what superglue cant I use to stick moss to stuff, Ive just got some but it says on the back Warning: CYANOACRYLATE whats this and can I use it

This forum has a great search feature top right, if you put "CYANOACRYLATE" into it you will find its mentioned it quite a few threads in which you can find your answer. :good:
ahhh so the search thing works on this forum then lol

lol just tried it and nope it dont work, its only showing up these 2 posts.
Il just keep giving it a dust, what superglue cant I use to stick moss to stuff, Ive just got some but it says on the back Warning: CYANOACRYLATE whats this and can I use it

it is safe to use in your aquarium tichie :good: just make sure there are no other toxic chemicals in there.
ahhh so the search thing works on this forum then lol

lol just tried it and nope it dont work, its only showing up these 2 posts.

select "forums" not "This Topic" next to the search entry, clever stuff eh :D
Cyanoacrylate superglue is perfectly tank safe :good: I use it all the time for attaching plants to things as it's neater than thread and I don't have to worry about the plecs getting trapped between the thread and the wood/rock, which I've heard of happening.
Ive glued them on but ive got some white residue, will this fade or do I need to sand down the bits that I can.
No, it won't fade; you'll have to sand or chip it off, I'm afraid!
I recently done the same thing in my Jewul tank. Play sand is ok looks really well. I did find that the sand does get EVERYWHERE!

Aside from the pump getting clogged up and the fish constantly moving it around it was ok. Moved back to stones due to the plants getting marked by the sand and covered by it also. Should look good when its finished though :good:
i love seeing 240 volt sockets in easy splash range, it makes me feel all crispy inside. I would be pretty worried about condensation if i were in your boots.

lol loving the crispy i would be very worried about them plugs there :no:

its just me but i hate play sand and silver sand it gets ever were and goes green at the bottom of the tank as it compacts
fare to much and were you try to air rate it the small is so BAD from it.

i use UNIPAC aqua sand i buy there limpopo black large size as it dont compacts and it dose not show up the fish waste as much i wold clean the tank then 2 hours later it would be like i never cleaned it :(

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