Using A Timer, How Long To Have Lights On And In What Intervals?


Fish Crazy
Jul 6, 2013
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Hi there!
I have a 12 gallon 40cm x 40cm x 40cm tank with one betta in it.
The live plants I have are java fern, crypt balansae, lilaeopsis, and bacopa.
I have an 11W light. Is this bright enough? 
I am going to have an electric timer to turn the lights on/off each day even if I'm not there to do it.
My question is, how long should they be on every day?
And should I do it all in one go? Or should the light periods be broken up into, for example, three hours at a time?
And also, when is the best time to dose liquid CO2? Is it when the lights are on or off?
Sorry for all the questions x)
Lights are best on for 6-8 hours, in one burst.
I would think you would want a brighter light than that if you are dosing CO2, but for a low tech tank, 11W would be fine.
Dosing liquid carbon is best done before the lights come on, so that it has a chance to circulate the tank.  Its supposed to stay in solution for approximately 24 hours, so its not a huge deal to dose it a few hours before the lights come on.
Lock man - thanks. Is 6-8 hours is all I need? 
And there is no point using CO2 with my 11W? What if I switched to an 18W? 
Eagles - thank you. I'm not sure what that means, that it's meant to stay in solution for 24 hours? 
CrazyDiamond88 said:
Lock man - thanks. Is 6-8 hours is all I need? 
And there is no point using CO2 with my 11W? What if I switched to an 18W? 
Eagles - thank you. I'm not sure what that means, that it's meant to stay in solution for 24 hours? 
I agree that 6-8 hours is a good photoperiod.
You should see a benefit to your plants with CO2 even with low lighting.  I recommend you try adding CO2 with your existing lights first and see how the plants respond.  Then after a few weeks, upgrade your lighting if you like but watch out for signs of algae (which would indicate too much light and not enough CO2).  
EasyCarbo only remains effective for about 24 hours, that is why you need to add it daily.

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