Useful tools

White Whale

Granola bar gone bad....
Oct 12, 2003
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I got a pair of 8-inch needle-nose tweezers I was just going to use to pick and plop the slimey refrigerated bloodworms into the bowls. I was using a plastic knife before as a scoop, but it either clumped too much or too little. However, I am able to pick each worm up one at a time and feed them singly to my bettas. They each come up and take the worm. If they don't want anymore, they just look at it, say 'nah', and swim away. Cool! No mess! :hyper: It's also useful for picking for anything that falls through the gravel.
I feed all of mine using the tip of my finger and sometimes they jump up and latch on ,please make sure that never happens to you, it would really ,really hurt your betta to be poked with the tweezers :crazy: :X

also,for clean up, a turkey baster works like a dream :nod:
i use both tweezers to feed and turkey baster to clean (as my little tanks are too small for the gravel vac). its amazing how well some household items work as fishkeeping tools. :)
Dem little guys still afwaid of me... :unsure: :sad:
I always test them to see if they come to me. If they do, then I know they are ready to be fed by hand and stuff. But for now, I have a henhouse. :D
Where the river goes said:
I'd been looking around for plastic tweezers, but can't find any. Is it safe to use stainless steel tweezers?
That's what I use. Just as long as they are cleaned in hot water and then cooled to room temperature.
wuvmybetta said:
I feed all of mine using the tip of my finger and sometimes they jump up and latch on ,please make sure that never happens to you, it would really ,really hurt your betta to be poked with the tweezers  :crazy:  :X

also,for clean up, a turkey baster works like a dream  :nod:
Oh man! You were almost right! Bulldog nearly came up out of the water and almost had himself turn into Scarface. :crazy: :X :S I have to reenter the bowl from the opposite side. Until he comes up to my finger, I'll just drop off care packages for him. Besides, it looks like he likes to hunt/scan the gravel for his next meal. Their bellies are getting a little round now. I'll have to skip a feeding day or two. ;) I'm off to get a de-clouder for Puppy Eyes' bowl. I just did a 60% water change and it's still cloudy. Plus, they got in new bettas on Thursday but haven't displayed them yet. I'm hoping to get a chocolate one. :alien:


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