Used Heaters And Other Bits For Sale

Do you have any 50w heaters left? What's your best price for one delivered if you do?

Do you have any 50w heaters left? What's your best price for one delivered if you do?


Yes ive got some small nano type 50w without guard or normal size 50w with full guard £8.50 inc postage.
Am also interested in the plants but need to see pics, that's if they haven't been sold to salty pig?

Create an account on imgshack, upload the pics and then copy the links to the pics from imgshack back here.
My plants came today... I think that you would sell the lot if you could show some photo's of what they look like. They look really fab, Im even thinking of buying a few more as a peace offering when Ive upset the mother in law, But they might over impress the old dear....Many thanks and thanks for packing them neatly in a box, they arrived undamaged, even though our post man is as rough as a bears aarsse. cheers Salty Pig. Ps, Will pm you on the weekend
My plants came today... I think that you would sell the lot if you could show some photo's of what they look like. They look really fab, Im even thinking of buying a few more as a peace offering when Ive upset the mother in law, But they might over impress the old dear....Many thanks and thanks for packing them neatly in a box, they arrived undamaged, even though our post man is as rough as a bears aarsse. cheers Salty Pig. Ps, Will pm you on the weekend

Thanks salty pig,i do think pics would help loads but camera still not loading,although i now think its more to do with my laptop.

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