Used 29g need advice


Fish Addict
Mar 8, 2002
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i'm getting a used 29 gal from a co-worker and i am getting rid of my 55g might get a 75 but i'm not sure if my floors can take it(old building)
anyway in my 55g i have a few fish i'd really like to keep,and i'm wondering if they can all fit and need your advice,here's my list and let me know which would be the safer mix.

Altolamprologus compressiceps=1
Altolamprologus calvus=1
Julidochromis marlieri=2 m/f
Neolamprologus tretocephalus=1
Neolamprologus brichardi=1
and one i forget what the name is and i've been going nuts trying to find it,it's a pretty rare (around here anyway)tanganyikan.
it's horizontally colored half tan like a brichardi and dark brown shaped like a leleupi,the name is something like n.nigri something anyway that one definately has to come.


so whatcha think?
:( Not too clued up on Rift Lake cichlids. Cichlidmaster where are you? :D Mac.
Here I is :D  :D ...

Count the tretocephalus big and aggressive as adults

Could that be Neolamprologus nigriventris?

Here would be my selection:
Altolamprologus compressiceps
Altolamprologus calvus
Neolamprologus brichardi (only one though)

and either the N.leleupi or the N.nigriventris

The M/F J. marlieri may have a tendency to take over the tank if spawning.

The T.duboisi sorry to say does not belong with any of the above...mainly due to it's diet requirements.


Larry. I hope the pic's of you own site, you know the guy who owns the copyright at least its credited. :D that way it saves trouble as i know how some of these peeps can be about there pics
I have to go back to school and take up Latin :)

I too, just switched from a 55 to a 29. Wow, is it smaller!
Mostanks. Some quick scribbled math shows us this.

This assumes you have the weight of your tank appled evenly on the floor. You have already had a 55 gallon, so we know it can take that much weight.

Assuming 10lbs for each gallon

55 gallon. 550 lbs. 576 sq inches. .95 lbs per sq inch

75 gallon. 750 lbs. 864 sq inches. .87 lbs per sq inch :thumbs:

Always ready to help make getting a larger tank the logical thing to do :D
cichlidmaster-thats him,mine looks alot better though,and i like your choices.thanx :)
great lakes-although i agree w/the math(and you)my building is literally falling apart,the landlord is currently placing extra support beams and filling cracks on the outside wall of my building and i at 1 time had 2 55g and a 90 in the living room which warped my living room fl :cry: so i have to be very careful :what:
cichlidmaster oooooh cichlidmaster,hey w/the calvus,comp,brichardi and n.nigriv they can all live in that tank til adult
I would say it's a good possibilty. However as with any rift lake cichlid or any fish for that matter, there is never a 100% guarantee that harmony will prevail.

Provide plenty of rockwork for the Nigriventris

and shells or inverted clay pots (of the flower pot variety) for the comp and calvus and brichardi and you should be just fine.

Do not add females to this tank...all hell will break loose. you know what sex the comp/calvus are?

I don't believe they would interbreed, butttt...

Larry you know what sex the comp/calvus are?

no-but i think they are to small to sex,unless you know how to sex them? :what:
and whats the deal w/their growth rate,i've had them for over a year (close to 2)and they are barely 1 1/2",i got them under an inch a piece.
oh i almost forgot i also have a female copidochromis borleyi=under 2"s
That's about right. comps and calvus are VERY, VERY slow growers.

The thing is they are not size dependent on becoming sexually mature.

Continue to feed them a varied diet and include frozen foods several times a week and they will reward you with beauty and's just going to take awhile ;)  ;)

At that size venting (unless you have a very good pair of eyes or a jewlers loop) is not really an option.

The males tend to be higher/deeper bodied than the females, but since you have one of each it would be hard to compare the two.

Sorry...not much help in the sexing area is it  :what:  :what:
i'd also like to mention (in case you are wondering why i have this mix of fish,i had to get rid of my other 55g so i had to mix victorian,malawi and tanganyikans together til i could figure something out.
and i'd also like to mention that i havn't lost any fish at all,they all get along quite well,but idon't like the idea of having the 3 lakes mixed.

The T.duboisi sorry to say does not belong with any of the above...mainly due to it's diet requirements.

cichlidmaster-you are correct,and i'm working on it :)
Not good!!!

They get large, although not overly aggressive. Need a big tank (70 gallon minimum) and their own kind.

I am not an advocate of mixing lakes, but do not look down on it being done.

As with most aquarists...tank space is sometimes limited and therefore dictates what they place in their tanks.

The C. borleyi would do ok for a short time, but left to long in this size tank may become stunted in growth.

If you know that in time (4-6 months) you may be getting a bigger tank than I don't see an immediate problem with housing it with the others.

Just make sure the others are getting the fair share of food as Cop. (formerly Haps.) are quite piggish at meal times.


yeah-i'll def will be getting another tank(75g)but it might take me a lil longer than i hoped.right now i just wanna set these guys up as if it were their permanent home.

so my 29g will house these
can i get some cats in there?maybe a small pleco.
the other fish i will return for credit(if i can get some)i figure i can always find those again.
what do you think of this as a permanent home for the fish.

oh and thanx you've been a really big help. 8)

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