Used 20 Gal


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2004
Reaction score
Albany, NY
We just bought a 20 gal long tank for $10. It has a new thermometer, a filter (those square jobs that sit in the corner on the bottom) and some gravel. On the back it has a mirrored backingthat has flaked off a little in spots. Someone owed this guy money (apparently a LFS or other pet store) and he wound up with what I saw was 15 or so tanks. When I commented on this he said he had 30 more in back to bring out. My question is how best to clean, set up, etc.? One person at the LFS mentioned vinegar and another recommened bleach (said the vinegar would REALLY stink). Thx :devil:
Yeah, best not to use any household cleaning products or detergents in tanks, they can kill the fish I have been fiercely conditioned to believe so I am very careful to clean my tank with the most natural products possible, but I'm glad to hear there's a specific product you can buy for cleaning your aquarium with B)
Ok, you're probably not going to believe this one, and it goes against everything that has been posted on this so far. When I first was told of ot, I thought the guy was nuts, but it cleans the most crudded up, grungy tanks in no time.

The guy who told me about it is in his 70's, and is a lifetime member of the local aquatics club, which was started in 1958. He breeds discus, and does his own water mixes with ro water & chemicals that he orders from a supply house.

With these sort of credentials, and many decades of fishkeeping under his belt, I took his advice and tried Sno-Bol toilet bowl cleaner. You have to wear gloves, and rinse really good afterwards, but it will clean off anything. I have used it, and have gotten used tanks from him that he has cleaned it with, and had no problems.

Just to be on the safe side, I run charcoal in the tank for a week after it has been cleaned with this, to pull out any residual chemicals that may be in there. I do this with all my tanks when I start them up, as there may be left over chemicals from the manufacturing of the filter, heater, or other things including the tank itself.

Hi Scorp1on :)

Where do you live? :dunno:

If you know of someone selling good used tanks at a fair price, please let everyone know about it. He will be sold out in no time at all! :nod:
I'm in Albany, NY and have already sent 1 guy from work who has koi and wants to add. But 2day we got the deal of all deals. At 1 garage sale (1st we went to ) we got a 55gal with stand for 40. Knew of another 55gal that was being sold with filter, etc. Thought we might get parts from that one. Well for $100 we got the tank, stand, a little gravel, and some other things. So now the problem is not only cleaning it but also getting the Powerheads working. Think somethings missing from setup. Any help?

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