Use of pH7.0 regulator by Seachem


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
Bergenfield, NJ, USA
Hi all:

I went out to buy a dwarf gourami yesterday, but when I told the salesman my pH is 8. he told me I had to bring that down first.

I brought home a pot of pH 7.0 Neutral Regulator by Seachem and added a little bit to the tank.

My question is the following: on the box, it says:

The use of Neutral Regulator makes other conditioning unnecessary.

Does that mean I don't have to use tab water conditioner when I use this?

What pH does your LFS keep their fishes? If your tap is 8.0, your LFS pH can't be that far off (assuming they are not far away from where you live). Most species can handle outside of their native environment pH range as long as you introduce the changes slowly.

It really is a pain in the <you know what> to mess with water chemistry - you really want to avoid that if at all possible.
I also would not use chemicals to alter pH. They are more trouble than they are worth. They can lead to pH crashes and make maintaining proper water chemistry difficult. Just take more time to acclimate your new fish. I also agree that if your LFS is relatively close to you their pH is going to be close to yours. I have a pH of about 8.2 and none of my fish suffer for it. They are all healthy and happy. Like I said, acclimate longer and slower just in case, your fish will be fine.

PS: To answer the question, no you will still need conditioners for chlorine and the like.


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