Use Of Epsom Salts


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2014
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What use does epsom salts have in an aquarium beside medication? What dosing should I be looking at per gallon?
Hi, I'd never add it to the aquarium. I've used to the help in the treatment of Hexamita and other internal parasites by soaking food in epsom salt and water before feeding it to the fish. I've also used it as a bath for external cuts, sores, and parasites too - simply by adding a small amount in a jug of tank water, netting the infected fish and soaking it for a good 5 - 10 minutes and then adding the fish back to the tank and throwing the salt water away
Are you guys talking about API Aquarium salt or plain old Epsom Salts they are both different just pointing out this. Both have different affects on the bodies of fishes!
Epsom salt-MgSO4
Aquarium salt-NaCl
I'm talking about Epsom Salts that you buy at the pharmacy and can be used by humans for stomach problems. It has the same effects on fish
Epsom is magnesium sulfate. it will raise the TDS of water. If one is not careful about how it is used, you can actually damage or kill fish, especially weakend ones. It is MgSO₄
Planted tank folks may add a bit for their plants. I use it (with other things) to increase the TDs of water to simulate the dry season for fish.
Some folks believe it helps if a fish is egg bound or constipated or to help reduce swelling as a secondary symptom of something alse. Some people are not convinced of this.
Both salt and Epsom dips are limited in what they can help with and must be of limited duration. The can be added to a tank also but in much lower concentrations.
when my fish had hexamita I treated with Waterlife Octozin (which contains an anti-biotic) and as a secondry measure I was advised to soak my fish food in water containing epsom salt as it can help push stuff through their guts - including parasites and excess bacteria which is what causes Hexamita. It worked well and my fish were soon back to full health - although I lost both my bolivian rams and 2 new angelfish and a couple of tetra's :(
With the bath I only use a good pinch in about half a litre of tank water so it's  weak solution but I have had good effects with that too.
As I said - I would never add it to the tank. I have cories apart from anything else, and they can't tolerate salt, but I'm always wary of adding anything to my tank without knowing more about it first. 

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