Urgent-sick Plec


New Member
Dec 4, 2007
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Hello everyone, I've been mooching about on the board looking for answers but I think it's about time I put in a request for some emergency help.

I've got a four year old plec that has started to look really tatty over the last couple of days, his fins look raggy and he now seems a bit 'floppy'

I've not seen him eating his usual pellets and I've not seen him poo either, usually it's like tinsel around the bogwood!

I put in King Britain Disease Clear yesterday but he seems worse today, he's swimming about but keeps landing funny and stays there, not always the right way up. His breathing seems normal but I'm really scared of losing him. He's usually really active and quite responsive to me.

All the water stats are the same as they usually are and there have been no changes to the tank other than the electric being off for 10 minutes over the weekend.

I've just put in a few peas to see if he'll eat, his belly looks a bit sunken.

I'm going to send Hubby out to the petshop for some stuff, I've read a few posts and so far my shopping list is Melafix and Aquarium Salt... any other ideas?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks lots.
i would give a lump of cucumber/frozen bloodworm and see if he eats anything. plecs are very robust creatures. keep us updated.

Thanks Chris,

I'll add that to my list.

Is is true that courgette has more vitamins etc than cucumber?

I might just stick a chunk of both in and see what he fancies, I'd just like to see him eat something.

I'm going back downstairs in a mo to see if he's touched any of the peas but to be honest I'm almost putting off looking.
make sure that you shell the peas, they like the mushy bit, put both in, cucumber and courgette, also mix in some garlic with it.

Good luck

He's eating a pea! It's a start and at least he's the right way up.

I forgot to mention that I'd skinned the peas and soaked them for a minute in boiled water with a blob of garlic puree ...I'd read something about garlic on here as well.

Hubbys just on his way out now to the petshop... I'm keeping everything crossed.
any progress is brilliant, you need to use frshly curshe garlic as its the allicin in the garlic which helps the fish, it breaks down after about three minutes so it really needs to be freshly crushed.

Well he's still alive...just.

Cucumber has not been touched but I think he's had a couple of peas and garlic.

He's been staying very still for a while and then hurtling off, crashing into the filter and tank sides and then just dropping to the bottom of the tank. He doesn't always land the right way up and he seems to be spending most of his time on his back or side.

Breathing seems normal, not gulping or fast. Keeping everything crossed that he picks up a bit and I hate to think that he might be suffering.

I'll post an update tomorrow.
What are your tank stats and what plec is it

this info will tell us alot more and there for help you and save your pleccy's life

cheers dane
Hello Dane,

He's (I always call him 'he' but I actually don't know what he is!) a Common Pleco, tank temp is 73f, ph 7.

Hope that's some help.
Morning Dane,

I forgot to put in the previous post that Hubby had used some test strips yesterday morning and I don't know the numbers but he said they were all in the 'normal' range. I was going to test it again this morning but he's left them in the garage and he's got the keys!

I've got to admit that I am amazed he's still alive this morning and he seems a bit stronger and less floppy, he's still hurtling about for about a minute and then resting on the bottom of the tank but he can right himself rather than spending most of his time on his back.

He has not touched the cucumber I put in yesterday but I couldn't see any peas when I looked. I've just chucked some more peas in now and the whole downstairs of the house smells of garlic!

Is he more likely to eat if I leave the tank lights off?

Thanks for everyones help so far, not just Chris and Dane who have replied to this post but everybody else as well who has posted other experiences that I've read and gathered info from.
Morning Dane,

I forgot to put in the previous post that Hubby had used some test strips yesterday morning and I don't know the numbers but he said they were all in the 'normal' range. I was going to test it again this morning but he's left them in the garage and he's got the keys!

I've got to admit that I am amazed he's still alive this morning and he seems a bit stronger and less floppy, he's still hurtling about for about a minute and then resting on the bottom of the tank but he can right himself rather than spending most of his time on his back.

He has not touched the cucumber I put in yesterday but I couldn't see any peas when I looked. I've just chucked some more peas in now and the whole downstairs of the house smells of garlic!

Is he more likely to eat if I leave the tank lights off?

Thanks for everyones help so far, not just Chris and Dane who have replied to this post but everybody else as well who has posted other experiences that I've read and gathered info from.

I have a Plec in my tank that has only been running for a month and they seem fairly hardy post up your water test results and maybe invest in an API master water test kit this is a liquid test kit and well known for been more accurate than the strips. Good luck
Plecos aren't a big fan of light, no.

I am curious about the numbers on the water parms.

Do he still look bloated at all? It could be constipation, which the peas and garlic should cure easy enough.
Phew... we'll never get vampires in this house, the smell of garlic is incredible!

I've just been down and checked and he's still with us (as I've been looking for info and seen more plec pictures I can now officially confirm that he is male!)

I'll test the water again as soon as I can get in the garage to get the test strips but I think I'll invest in a proper kit, I'll have a look in our pet shop for the API one...any other recommendations or idea on price?

Darkwolf, I've left the light off all day today and he's not bloated at all. His belly is just flat, neither swollen nor sunken.

I'll be able to get a better idea of what he's actually eating once I've finished work and can keep an eye on him.

I've been chucking in about a dozen shelled peas at a time mixed with a freshly squidged clove of garlic ... is this about the correct pea/garlic ratio?
Phew... we'll never get vampires in this house, the smell of garlic is incredible!

I've just been down and checked and he's still with us (as I've been looking for info and seen more plec pictures I can now officially confirm that he is male!)

I'll test the water again as soon as I can get in the garage to get the test strips but I think I'll invest in a proper kit, I'll have a look in our pet shop for the API one...any other recommendations or idea on price?

Darkwolf, I've left the light off all day today and he's not bloated at all. His belly is just flat, neither swollen nor sunken.

I'll be able to get a better idea of what he's actually eating once I've finished work and can keep an eye on him.

I've been chucking in about a dozen shelled peas at a time mixed with a freshly squidged clove of garlic ... is this about the correct pea/garlic ratio?

Not to sure for answers about your plec, sorry. But it really depends on your location for the price of your water testers. I use API and I would highly recommend it. Someone told me it was anywhere from $20-30 but when I got to the pet store it was more like $50 :crazy: But it was worth it. I live in Canada by the way. So if you live in the states it would probably be closer to $20-30 range. Anywhere else I'm not to sure, but test strips are garbage. Good luck with your pleco. I hope hes ok!

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