Urgent: Please Read

That's horrendously horrific - and I'm really glad you took the time to write those letters - not only to the RSPCA, DEFRA etc. but also to share it with us.

I would also hope that others with recent knowledge of this store would share their experience. I'm on the verge of ordering some shrimp from them (at huge cost) so would find feedback extremely useful !
Ive been in there when ive been working in Bolton...just to pass lunchtime away really and the place is filthy it really does stink and the tanks are just pure filth...ive never had the guts to buy anything even though they do stock good species.....they really do need to sort the place out.Just last week i was there and every tank i looked in had dead fish in
Ok heres something.

While I am certainly not suggesting you have elaborated in any way, when it boils down to it, we as readers have only your word on it and we as readers do not actually know who you are at all. While I fully commend your efforts in writing the email and sending it to the appropriate people and to be honest see no reason at all why I would disbelieve you or defend the business in question.

My problem is this. At this point in time, everything you have written is an unsubstantiated claim and in my opinion complaints like this via the internet should for legal reasons be kept nameless, by all means if people pm you wanted to know the shop in question then you should tell them. But you could get yourself and the owners of this forum into rather a lot of trouble if the shop in question this time (or usually pets@home) were to find out someone was writing such damaging claims about them.

I personally feel that yes you may want to warn people but as we have just seen, at least two people have just stated that they will be taking their business elsewhere purely based on what you have said, I imagine BAS would be extremely upset about that and would no doubt be interested in taking action against you, which they legally would be well within their rights to.

Now please, if everyone could read this post properly. Do not mistake me for defending this shop or indeed agreeing with the contents of the topic in anyway.
My issue is with the type of topic we have here and not anything to do with the people in question either way.

To all that read this, this is an exceptionally vaild statement and one that I agree with totally. However, in this case I have 43 photo's taken on my fiancee's mobile phone, of which about 30 are of good enough quality to be useful. As soon as the cable to link the phone to my PC arives, I will post them all in a photobucket gallery.

Until then, jonny-5 also seems to have the same views as myself.

The main reason I posted this was not to generate a boycott of <the major LFS>, but to make people aware that I believed that there was an illness issue there. The other stuff is "almost" secondary. The pictures will show this.

Many thanks

like you said in an earlier post Ripslider,it used to be a great place to go for fishy things.I do belive it has changed owners in the last 12 months or so...so maybe that explains it.Well saying that no it does not explain it,there is no excuse for it they seem to have enough people in the store who stand around doing nothing so maybe they could get to work cleaning them tanks :).The only thing i can say is people have to see the place to belive it exists.Even the staff are most unhelpful....oh before i forget too,i noticed that they keep nets in some sort of bacterial/disinfectant at the end of each isle of tanks...but did you see the state of the water,yukky it looked toxic to me,so did some of the tanks come to mention it
To all that read this, this is an exceptionally vaild statement and one that I agree with totally. However, in this case I have 43 photo's taken on my fiancee's mobile phone, of which about 30 are of good enough quality to be useful. As soon as the cable to link the phone to my PC arives, I will post them all in a photobucket gallery.

In that case Steve, absolute best of luck to you in getting a satisfactory result :good:
Ok heres something.

While I am certainly not suggesting you have elaborated in any way, when it boils down to it, we as readers have only your word on it and we as readers do not actually know who you are at all. While I fully commend your efforts in writing the email and sending it to the appropriate people and to be honest see no reason at all why I would disbelieve you or defend the business in question.

My problem is this. At this point in time, everything you have written is an unsubstantiated claim and in my opinion complaints like this via the internet should for legal reasons be kept nameless, by all means if people pm you wanted to know the shop in question then you should tell them. But you could get yourself and the owners of this forum into rather a lot of trouble if the shop in question this time (or usually pets@home) were to find out someone was writing such damaging claims about them.

I personally feel that yes you may want to warn people but as we have just seen, at least two people have just stated that they will be taking their business elsewhere purely based on what you have said, I imagine BAS would be extremely upset about that and would no doubt be interested in taking action against you, which they legally would be well within their rights to.

Now please, if everyone could read this post properly. Do not mistake me for defending this shop or indeed agreeing with the contents of the topic in anyway.
My issue is with the type of topic we have here and not anything to do with the people in question either way.

Sorry I just get carried away sometimes, you are right though. No matter how angry this thread has made us, we must wait for the outcome or if proof be needed then visit these places and gather it together and make propper substanciated complaints. If nothing else I hope this will help people confront bad lfs conditions in a sensible manner.
Again, I totally agree with this statement. I have been there myself and seen what I saw. I also have photo's that I will post in the next day or so.

Until then, you do only have my word for this, and it IS difficult to take as gospel something that only comes from one source.

I have had three PM's across this forum and others from people who have offered to go in the next day/weekend with camera's to give second and third opinions and to get extra photo's. I have said that they should, but asked them to keep an open mind until they get there and draw their own conclusions.

Many thanks


Ok heres something.

While I am certainly not suggesting you have elaborated in any way, when it boils down to it, we as readers have only your word on it and we as readers do not actually know who you are at all. While I fully commend your efforts in writing the email and sending it to the appropriate people and to be honest see no reason at all why I would disbelieve you or defend the business in question.

My problem is this. At this point in time, everything you have written is an unsubstantiated claim and in my opinion complaints like this via the internet should for legal reasons be kept nameless, by all means if people pm you wanted to know the shop in question then you should tell them. But you could get yourself and the owners of this forum into rather a lot of trouble if the shop in question this time (or usually pets@home) were to find out someone was writing such damaging claims about them.

I personally feel that yes you may want to warn people but as we have just seen, at least two people have just stated that they will be taking their business elsewhere purely based on what you have said, I imagine BAS would be extremely upset about that and would no doubt be interested in taking action against you, which they legally would be well within their rights to.

Now please, if everyone could read this post properly. Do not mistake me for defending this shop or indeed agreeing with the contents of the topic in anyway.
My issue is with the type of topic we have here and not anything to do with the people in question either way.

Sorry I just get carried away sometimes, you are right though. No matter how angry this thread has made us, we must wait for the outcome or if proof be needed then visit these places and gather it together and make propper substanciated complaints. If nothing else I hope this will help people confront bad lfs conditions in a sensible manner.
Good work Rip - I'm sure all this should generate some sort of positive reaction, especially with the prospects of pictures being published!

Power to your elbow and all that :good:
I know this is may just be more of the same sort of thing but if you are contacting the local council why not contact your local MP and councilors at the same time by e-mail also supply them with the pic?

It would need a bit of time but certainly worth the time the more profile the more contact the more a chance to roll a pebble or to and pebbles do become mountains when rolled gently in the right direction !!!!! :sly:

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