Please Help!
I'm not sure what's happening to my angel. Two hours ago he was fine, and now he's floating at the surface of the water gasping for air, swimming rapidly but not going anywhere, laying on his side on and off, and when swimming, swimming with his head bowed and his fins tucked in. He looks as if he's going to die. I don't know what to do!
He wouldn't eat properly for weeks (4) so I tried tempting him with garlic-soaked food (i.e. food in a glass of water with piece of garlic/garlic removed/water removed/food put in tank)...I am wondering if maybe he's ingested a v small piece of garlic or something. Also, it sounds wierd but he doesn't seem to be able to excrete anything (i.e he's had the same string of poo for a good few hours and he looks very bloated). It's happened all of a sudden, and he was ab fine before hand.
All three other angels and other fish are absolutely fine. Water parameters are all within normal range. I have the air bubbler on and the Eheim filter is rippling the surface as usual.
Please Help A.S.A.P What can I do???
I'm not sure what's happening to my angel. Two hours ago he was fine, and now he's floating at the surface of the water gasping for air, swimming rapidly but not going anywhere, laying on his side on and off, and when swimming, swimming with his head bowed and his fins tucked in. He looks as if he's going to die. I don't know what to do!
He wouldn't eat properly for weeks (4) so I tried tempting him with garlic-soaked food (i.e. food in a glass of water with piece of garlic/garlic removed/water removed/food put in tank)...I am wondering if maybe he's ingested a v small piece of garlic or something. Also, it sounds wierd but he doesn't seem to be able to excrete anything (i.e he's had the same string of poo for a good few hours and he looks very bloated). It's happened all of a sudden, and he was ab fine before hand.
All three other angels and other fish are absolutely fine. Water parameters are all within normal range. I have the air bubbler on and the Eheim filter is rippling the surface as usual.
Please Help A.S.A.P What can I do???