*urgent*-major Fish Problems (please Look + Help)

That water change of 70% was rather large can stress the fish to much.
Best not to do more than 30% as it can swing your water results to fast stressing the fish, best to do water changes gradually rather than in one big swoop.
We don't k now what going off till we know your water stats.
I thought so, I did ask weather 75% would be dangerous but no one replied

But the water looks clean as ever now

Today I'm going to try and buy the water kit and some tap water safe guard!

Does anyone know the name of a test kit that I should get?
dont know the names of the test kits but i was reccomended seachemprime as a a dechlorinator, as it also detoxifies ammonia, nitrates etc, helped me out when i had a nitrate problem. can prob get dechlorinators from most fish stores though
Ah cool thanks for that, I'll try and get it this weekend. I know now that one of my fish a re pregnaut so I kept her in a fish trap thingy but i also think this other platy is also preg too i'm not fully sure but it does have those black spot near her fin so i put her int he trap too.
I have had 2 different test kits, 1 by API and another by erm....someone else.

I found the API was ALOT EASIER to use, the colours it gave you were easier to differentiate between that the other one. Think it was about £21 off ebay
Sorry to hear about your problems. You can buy an API test kit from Pets at Home for £18.00.

As everyone has said it is difficult to give advise when you can give us your water stats, so get a test kit ASAP.
Your fish are dying because your filter has not cycled and you haven't been keeping the water clean. The various diseases etc are happening because of this one key issue of water quality so you really need to sort that out rather than just chucking in multiple meds and hoping for the best.

There's a really good pinned topic on weekly tank maintenance here [topic="0"]http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=171045[/topic]

That explains how you clean your filter (in old water, not tap water) to preserve the beneficial bacteria on the filter sponges that keep your water free of Ammonia and Nitrite (poisonous to fish).

Your tank will take around four weeks (minimum) to cycle (that is, build up the beneficial bacteria ) and until it does this your fish are going to be under even more stress. If you can get hold of some mature (i.e. used, grungy) filter media (like a piece of the sponge) from a healthy tank that has been up and running for a couple of months, you can put that in your filter and it will speed up the process dramatically (and thus lessen the stress for your fish).

You need to be prepared to do daily water changes if that's what it takes to keep your ammonia and nitrite down during the cycle, otherwise your fish may die.

I don't mean to sound harsh but you need to get organised if you're going to save your fish. Buy a test kit immediately -- a decent one like the API Master Test kit -- and get your water stats on here so people can help you. Test your water every day if you can, and you'll be able to chart the progress of your cycle. There are a lot of very knowlegable people on this forum -- they've been really helpful for me -- so keep asking questions if there's anything you don't understand.

If you don't think your filter is working properly, buy a new one. You can get cheap secondhand ones on ebay. If money is an issue, ask your Mum for a loan. Tell her otherwise she's going to have a tank of dead fish stinking the place up.

This is going to be hard work for the next few weeks, but once your tank is cycled and healthy again it will be worth it.

Good luck to you and your fish :good:
I need help with my pregnant female guppy I noticed this morning her tail was missing she isn't eating and just staying at the top of the tank, I'veput her in a breeding trap, Is there anything else I can do for her? I don't know how this has happened I cleaned the tank yesterday, We have altogether 6 females and 2 males and 9 fry in there and also 6 scissortails, At first I thought maybe the scissortails might have bit it off but they have always been fine with them before and arn't chasing any other fish around the tank etc. Please reply asap.
Start a thread of your own or it get confusing.I need help with my pregnant female guppy I noticed this morning her tail was missing she isn't eating and just staying at the top of the tank, I'veput her in a breeding trap, Is there anything else I can do for her? I don't know how this has happened I cleaned the tank yesterday, We have altogether 6 females and 2 males and 9 fry in there and also 6 scissortails, At first I thought maybe the scissortails might have bit it off but they have always been fine with them before and arn't chasing any other fish around the tank etc. Please reply asap.

Need water atats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph.How many gallons is the tank.How many fish and which type.How much of the tail has gone.
sound like your fish have white spot you can get the treatment from your local fish store it shouldnt be to hard to get rid of it just do regular water changes and when its gone do a big water change and also change the filter media hope this helps

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