Urgent help with goldfish


New Member
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, England
Hi All,

Our tropicals are nice and settled but a strange thing has happened with one of our goldfish.

As you can see from the picture, he has a patch on his body (to give you an idea of scale, he is about 34cm in length) which consists of slightly displaced scales with a reddening around them. He is not eating and the condition has worsened overnight.

We have examined faeces from the aquarium and have found them to contain gas pockets. Some of the faeces are white.

It is a 400 litre tank which we have treated with an anti-internal bacteria treatment (Interpet No 9) and have salted the water with aquarium salt to .2% (2 ppt). The tank has one more golfish and a tench (not our choice, they are rescue fish) in it.

Can anyone offer advice as to what the problem may be and how best to treat it?

Thanks all.

Ken & Debbie.

i think this is it but can't be certain

7) Reddining of the skin, or red streaks in the fins
Virus, Ulcers (Bacterial infection)
Viruses can only be seen through microscopes - and its incurable. With a bacterial disease, use a anti-bacteria or anti-internal treatment. A prolonged SALT bath (3-5 g/litre for several days) will alliviate osmoregulatory stress in the case of severe ulceration.
I agree... do some big water changes and then treat for internal bacteria. A salt BATH might also be beneficial but try the med. first as the bath is rather stressful. Whilst treating, look out for a re-cycle as the meds. may damage your biological filtration.
I agree he needs some salt baths, carry on with the anti internal bacteria med by interpet, as the red scales look like septicemia to me,do some daily water changes on the tank, the white feces could be due to the bacteria infection, also if they are long white and stringy it also could indicate an internal parasite, is the anus red and inflamed.
A big thank you to everyone for your input and concern.

I am delighted to report that Blob is on the mend. His scales have closed-up, the reddening has greatly reduced and his appetite has returned.

The next anti-internal bacteria dose is due on Tuesday, so we have a great deal of confidence that he will make a full recovery.

We cannot for the life of us determine how he could have got such an injury although he may have been spooked overnight and scraped against the natural wood in the tank.

Once again, thank you all.

Ken & Debbie. :kana:

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