I have no idea why a "salinity measurer" is costing you hundreds of dollars. A floating glass hydrometer on eBay costs the princely sum of $2.90, including free shipping.
Going pale is not a good thing with mudskippers. Sure they're active on land, that's not the problem. In fact they could be active because they're looking for somewhere with salty water where they can bathe! Or, if they're two males, they're getting ready to kill each other. Look out for vigorous displays (especially with the dorsal fins) and jumps.
"Coarse salt" is cooking salt. It will be iodised and unsuitable for aquaria. You are looking for marine aquarium salt mix. Specifically ask for something you'd use in a marine aquarium. Don't faff about saying you have a mudskipper or a brackish water aquarium -- many retailers won't understand and instead reach out for the first box of aquarium salt or tonic salt they can find. It's marine aquarium salt you want. Reef Crystals, Instant Ocean, Petco Premium Marine Salt Mix… whatever!
To be honest, I'm getting a bit bored with this thread. You seem dead set on keeping these fish badly, and if that's what you want to do, then there's nothing I can do to stop you killing these fish -- and you will. Please, understand you need to invest a little time and money here, firstly understanding their needs, and secondly buying a hydrometer and a box of marine aquarium salt. Neither needs to be bought right this very second, so if you can get them online and have them delivered in the next couple days, that's fine.
Cheers, Neale