Urgent Help Needed Please


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2009
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i bought 4 torpedo barbs about a week ago they have all been fine swimming around together and was eating an hour after i put them in but last night i noticed one has an ulcer on his head and a slightly swollen left eye
my water parameters are all fine so bad water conditions arent the problem.

the only thing i have done lately was add another fluval 305 filter wouldnt think this would cause any problems tho would it?

main thing i need to know is if i have to remove the carbon from my filters i put half the media from my old filter into my new and half the new filter media into my old filter so i have two filter with half 50/50 new/old media in (hope that makes sense) and abviously bacteria is growing on the new media.

what are the chances of the little fella surviving?
also if i should take out the carbon whats the best way to store it and how long before i add it back?
only remove the carbon if you are treating the tank with any medicne. if you do remove it id keep it in a bucket of tank water to keep the bacteria going.
i am using interpet antibacteria

would it be okay to put it in another tank that i have going? and how long before i put it back
Carbon only works for about 3 days if kept in your filter, and does not have a suitable surface for the colonization of beneficial bacteria.

So, if you do use carbon, it should be replaced every 3 days, or it will just start to leak what is has taken out of the water, back into the water after about 3 days.

Carbon should only be used when necessary. Like if you want to remove discoloration/meds/odors etc...

I and a LOT of other members on here don't use carbon. I only used it when I wanted to remove a med that I treated my fish with. After I was done treating the fish, I added carbon to the filter for like a day just to get all of the excess med out.

What test kit are you using?

Did you quarantine the fish for a week prior to putting them into your tank?

hi thanks for the info i was unaware that carbon became useless after a few days.

i have the api master test kit.

and no i never quarantined the fish i only have a small 10g tank which has a couple of swordtails in and isnt cycled yet
also i have been told and read alot about the denison barbs and i believe they have a poor survival rate when being first introduced into the tank so i wanted to just get them settled asap
i floated the bag for 10 mins then added some of my tank water and left for another 10 mins then added and left lights of for an hour

i had to go out but when i got back after an hour they were all swimmin around fine and they was eating straight away

i will try and take a pic now and u can give me ur opinion if thats ok
hes hidin in the caves so mite be tricky

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