Urgent Help Needed, Juwel Rio 180 Stuck Fish


Fish Fanatic
Dec 24, 2009
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Hi all,

was just doing an inventory of my fish and found 2 of the danios stuck in a gap at the far right corner of my juwel rio 180 filter, I have no idea how to get them out, they are both still alive also, Should i put some high pressure water down it and this should push them out the other side or should i try to remove the filter all together which will then leave me with a broken filter, please help!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I can't help you as i'm a bit of a newbie but you might want to post this in tropical fish emergencies.
They are actually behind the filter housing, they must have gone under the filter and up this small gap, They can't swim out as the filter is not fully submerged and also they cannot turn around or swim backwards to get out the other side.
phew sorted it, Just took the heater and pump out and overfilled tank to the water level was above filter housing, they both just swam out.

Thanks for the reply's and next time is should post in the fish emergency's section :D

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