I have 5 Indian whisker shrimp, which are macros, I like them because they are hardier than typical ghosties. Very good at cleaning up leftovers and will pick clean the shell of an apple snail that's died. They don't attack happy swimming fish, but they will go after ones that look ill or are not swimming properly, but that's cause they know they are easy pickins. Quite often I'll come downstairs in the morning and I have to count my fish because some are just...gone. Not even a dead body to remove, just gone. I'm not too worried if they cull a weakling now and then, just don't want them actively hunting perfectly healthy fish. Which to my knowledge they haven't. I have one which is HUGE (like thumb sized) and likes to hang out under my piece of bog wood, and he just pops out if someone comes too close and then pops back in. Very crab like. I love watching them. I'd really love to have red cherry shrimp but my fishies would eat them. So, I'd rather have a bigger shrimp that has staying power and will clean up. Good luck with yours, just wanted to share my experience!