Urgent Advice Needed! Is This A Ghost Shrimp Or Killer Macro?

I have 5 Indian whisker shrimp, which are macros, I like them because they are hardier than typical ghosties.  Very good at cleaning up leftovers and will pick clean the shell of an apple snail that's died.  They don't attack happy swimming fish, but they will go after ones that look ill or are not swimming properly, but that's cause they know they are easy pickins.  Quite often I'll come downstairs in the morning and I have to count my fish because some are just...gone.  Not even a dead body to remove, just gone.  I'm not too worried if they cull a weakling now and then, just don't want them actively hunting perfectly healthy fish.  Which to my knowledge they haven't.  I have one which is HUGE (like thumb sized)  and likes to hang out under my piece of bog wood, and he just pops out if someone comes too close and then pops back in.  Very crab like.  I love watching them.  I'd really love to have red cherry shrimp but my fishies would eat them.  So, I'd rather have a bigger shrimp that has staying power and will clean up.  Good luck with yours, just wanted to share my experience!
They sound very impressive, I can see how they would be a good clean-up crew.  My Macro was pinching the tails of my Cory when resting and he would go after my inquisative Dwarf Gourami so unfortuantely in the end he had to go back to the shop.  He is still in there now but they have put him in a crab tank
He seems to be doing well though!  I ended up with some amano shrimp (which actually grow fairly big) and some Bamboo Shrimp which are about 2 to 3 inches!
I've had bamboo shrimp, they never fare too well though..I've had two, so I don't think I'll get more (names were Bamboozle, and Bamboozle Twozle).  The whisker shrimp don't get too large, I think mine are about as big as they get, at least two of them, the other three I'm not convinced are the same kind. I read an article on them in in the new tfh magazine.  I already had mine though but it's nice to get more info.  I've never had any other shrimps though, but I do love the colored kinds. I'm attaching a picture of one of my first ones (sadly this one is no longer with me, but shall forever be known as Shrimplestiltskin.  My two current biggens are Thor (the one who hides under the wood) and The Chosen One, as he was the only survivor in my tank after a terrible accident. I've got a little one that likes to pace the side of the tank, I call it Prowler. 
Heh, I don't know why I keep calling them "he" The Chosen One is undeniably a girl, Thor is probably a girl too.


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There are many types of Macro, I have one that has very slim small nippers, but she did eat my golden tertas. But the endlers that are in the tank with her are breeding up a storm, also I have cherry shrimp and Darwin algea shrimp in the same tank.
No one yet has been able to difinitavely identify this shrimp that came from Far north Queensland
Here are a front and side view of The Chosen One, as she's usually more visible than Thor, she is my second biggest.  Just look at that shrimpy face!


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I've had bamboo shrimp, they never fare too well though..I've had two, so I don't think I'll get more (names were Bamboozle, and Bamboozle Twozle).  The whisker shrimp don't get too large, I think mine are about as big as they get, at least two of them, the other three I'm not convinced are the same kind. I read an article on them in in the new tfh magazine.  I already had mine though but it's nice to get more info.  I've never had any other shrimps though, but I do love the colored kinds. I'm attaching a picture of one of my first ones (sadly this one is no longer with me, but shall forever be known as Shrimplestiltskin.  My two current biggens are Thor (the one who hides under the wood) and The Chosen One, as he was the only survivor in my tank after a terrible accident. I've got a little one that likes to pace the side of the tank, I call it Prowler. 
Heh, I don't know why I keep calling them "he" The Chosen One is undeniably a girl, Thor is probably a girl too.
Okay now they are absolutely brilliant names!  Thor is just the best - makes it even better she's probably a girl!  They are some very nice looking shrimp!
I would love to get my Macro back from the shop but cannot convince my better half to let me have another tank

Yes I have heard Bamboo shrimp are quite difficult, if they are scraping the bottom they are struggling for food.  Mine fan the water at the moment and are very brightly coloured, hopefully they survive!

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