Urgent Advice Needed! Is This A Ghost Shrimp Or Killer Macro?


Fish Crazy
Jul 8, 2013
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I need to urgently ID this shrimp as my new shrimp tank has just cycled and want to know whether to put him in or take him back to the shop.  He is about 2.5cm long at the moment, not seeming aggressive.
Difficult to tell from this angle 

Tell you what you can do.
Capture it if you can, put it in a jar or clear plastic bag with some tank water until someone conirms or denies that is a macro or ghost shrimp for definite then you can either return it to tank or take back to lfs.
That would be a start I suppose.
Any chance of another angled pic?
Sorry can't be more help at the moment.
I see a claw, not a fan, no idea what that means though >.< 
Thanks for the quick replies.  He definitely has claws but not as huge as the usual Macro.  I have got some other pictures below.


Well, it sure does look a hell of a lot like a ghost shrimp and if you say it's not being aggressive, thus far, then you're probably OK.

Any chance of getting a look at the other crazy one?
I hope he turns out nice..but wanted to say those eyes, ADORABLE!
Hmm, does look like shrimp to me, claws looks pretty normal to me, macros have much longer claws, about twice normal length to ghost shrimps.
heres a pic of a macro.....

Notice the long claw? Thats basically the difference between macro and ghost shrimp, ghost shrimp claw is about half that length!
Yes sure the crazy one who chased my gourami and nipped a cory is pictured below. Its interesting the Macro is very much like a lobster in terms of his behaviour, shame he is so aggresive.  Hoping my other shrimp is a ghost though.

Goodness me that's a mean looking little guy.

You said earlier those 2 were sold together as ghost shrimp? You really need to take that crazy one back!

The top one looks like a ghost, although they do come in various guises, but, at the very least, it does not look like a macro!
THAT last pic looks like a macro! get rid of him from your tank otherwise your fish is dinner to him!
Or you can keep him in a small tank as they are actually quite interesting and grow mahoosive! About a foot in length!
Someone on this forum will surely want him if you don't want to keep him.
Yes they are both removed from my main tank now.  I agree the smaller clawed one does not look like so much of a Macro, I have transferred him to his new tank (king of the castle on his own in the 48L).  I love the big macro and would love to keep him but think he will destroy all in my 48L, especially the fish I intend to buy.
Any takers on the Macro?  I will post him for free as I do not really want to send him back to pets at home to live in a tank without anywhere to hide.
Not for me, thanks.  

Hopefully someone will take him off your hands soon. Keep fingers crossed! 
Hmmmm not so sure Ch4lie...I am sure he would make great friends with your cherry's
I'm half tempted to buy a third tank to keep him in on his own...hmmm
Lol, yes he might be fine with my Red Cherries but not with my Threadfins...................

Keep in mind they grow BIG, like I said earlier, about a foot long!! But they really are quite interesting creatures.
Well he would definitely get wedged in my small 48L square shrimp tank if he was to grow a foot long.  Thanks for all the advice.

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