Fish Crazy
plz tell me within 10 mins me gotta go on holiday and my tanks pump broke down
I don't understand why you need to know makes. Why not just look. It's not like we are going to be able to tell you what's available in your area anyway.bettasplendenlover said:is their any other makes
Can you not make it move the water? Internal filters can be placed higher in the tank and externals often come with a spraybar for that purpose.bettasplendenlover said:it doesnt though
also i want to know other makes so i can buy one in the future
e.g rena hi-tech tetra???
i agree venturi action or just plian outlet will disturbe the water (biomass of the water also is a factor )Cheese Specialist said:Can you not make it move the water? Internal filters can be placed higher in the tank and externals often come with a spraybar for that purpose.bettasplendenlover said:it doesnt though
also i want to know other makes so i can buy one in the future
e.g rena hi-tech tetra???
As for makes for future reference, maybe you should look in the hardware section when you have time or consult your LFS to see what they have and then look them up.
God, don't be so polite! I don't think I can handle it!bettasplendenlover said:any1 know aNY makes
Of course.bettasplendenlover said:no sorry im not rude (i hope) but i live in england and i have a very tight budget 20 pounds a month! and im not aloud any more tanks so i can spend time on my current 24 gallon 10 gallon and my fish bowled betta.
p.s i didnt mean to sound rude
bettasplendenlover said:no sorry im not rude (i hope) but i live in england and i have a very tight budget 20 pounds a month! and im not aloud any more tanks so i can spend time on my current 24 gallon 10 gallon and my fish bowled betta.
p.s i didnt mean to sound rude