Urgent Advice Needed For My Bronze Cories.


Jan 18, 2005
Reaction score
Kent, UK
2 of my bronze cories which I have had for a couple of years are looking the worse for wear. All along the edges/tips of their fins and tails are little white dots (almost like whitespot) and their fins now look ragged as well. They have started to flick against the sand and rocks. I cannot take picks as they wont stay still long enough.

Any idea what it is and how I can treat it?

Water peramaters are perfect, and all other cories and fish are fine.

Just had a closer look, and rather than spots it seems as though it is tissue wearing/rotting away from the fins and tail. Can Cories get fin rot?

Melafix and pimafix are good bets when treating any fungal/bacterial infection inc fin rot although they are at the milder side of meds. i recently treated a bristlonose with a open wound and fungal growth with myxacin and i was very pleased with the results. just remember when treating cory's as they are scaleless they need a smaller dose per gallon.
Hi julibob :)

Waterlife's Myxazin and Interpet's Anti Finrot and Fungus Medicine are two medicines that are available in the UK and are widely used to treat bacterial infections such as your corys seem to have.

It's important to try to figure out why your fish are sick and to take measures to relieve the situation now and prevent it from happening again in the future. A good water change and bottom cleaning is the first step to take, even before you add any medication.

Since you've mentioned that your water stats are good, look to temperature, tankmates, and oxygenation as other possible problems. If the water temperature is high, lower it to 75 F. (24 C.) This will slow the growth of harmful bacteria and is a more comfortable temperature for most corys.

Corys should live in well oxygenated water. If you are in doubt that your filter moves the surface well enough to provide for this, add an airstone run by a small air pump. This is especially important now since it will also make the environment less hospitable to harmful bacteria and is usually beneficial when using any medication.

Aggressive tankmates are also a possible cause of fin rot. If this is the case, you might want to think about separating them from the corys.

I hope they get well soon.

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