Good is a relativ eterm, when its covering powerheads, Liverockand snail shells Coraline Algea is great stuf, when its blocking flow into filters, and blocking your view of your tank its horrible. All Herbivorous urchins eat coraline, my Urchin sscrubs the rock positvely clean, but he targets other types of algea aswell. I have not lost any clean up crew, this species is more closely assosciated with eating small sesile inverts, mainly tubeworms, tunicates, and sponges. I'm quite sure that it will not eat any coral.
It should be able to live in a 30 for quite a while, I've got my 3 inch diameter one in my 18 gallon display volume aquapod24. I would think that the issue would be more of a food issue, when you run out of algea for it its time to trade it out for a smaller one, I would bet that your LFS would trade ou straight for one.