Upside-down catty


New Member
May 2, 2004
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So obviously nobody has any idea about these fish and there spawning habbits huh?

i will upload photo's when i can get them
:D hane you got a spawning pair yes if so have you a digital cam you post the pics in members pics
id personally love to see them as i love synodontis cat fish said:
It is one of the few Synodontis to be bred in captivity although the few successful attempts have been sketchy and they have been mostly by accident. There have been reports that they lay their eggs in a depression in the gravel and also another report when they laid them in a PVC pipe and also flowerpots. The young seemingly revert to the upside down pose when about 10 weeks old.

A good regime for a breeding setup would be to provide pipework and a few clay flowerpots with a gravel substrate and the usual plants and wood to make them feel comfortable thus giving them choices for a hopeful spawning. The females are more noticeably plumper than the males and a bit more lighter in colour.
I do have a digital camera and i will post pic's.

Its just a matter of getting them. they like to hide alot so it is a waiting game at moment.

they dont come out very much....

sure dont make things easy -_-

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