Uphill Battle


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA
Just did a base test of my tap water here at work. PH tested off the highPH chart - over 8.8. 1ppm ammonia and 5.0ppm nitrate. I can only imagine the chlorine levels...when i first moved to Florida from New England in '91 though, I could taste/smell it in the tap water.

I have a bottle of PRIME and a bottle of the Neutral Regulator powder. I read on the Seachem website that Neutral Regulator is dry PRIME with an added PH buffer, so when I'm doing water changes I'm putting 1/2 tsp of the Neutral regulator in each gallon jug I fill up. They recommend 1 tsp per 10-20 gallons per month...but claim that you really can't overdose with Neutral Regulator.

In the three days I've been adding the Neutral Regulator, the water in the tank has gone down to 7.8ph

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