Upgrading! ( Need Advice ) Water Change.....!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 18, 2009
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allo all..

i am not new to this forum but never become a member. today i become because i need some advise.

i am in the proses of upgrading my fish tank( tropical) new tank has been set up for last 6 days.

at he moment i got sand, stones plants heaters and an water circulation pump set up. i got added bacterial booster as well.

last three days i am moving water from each tank to other 20 to 30 liters per a day . (try to mix the Ph.)

what i am planing to do is tomorrow i am going to move large rocks and some plants from old tank to new tank.

and on sunday.... i am going to move the filter( Rena xp2) and air pump.. run for hour. the move the fishes.

hope everything gos alright.... any advice guys?

You dont need old tank water. Just move the filter over, let it run for a bit and then add the fish.
old tank water IS benficial but not as much as old substrate and filter media.
i akways use some old tank water and i have never had any problems or fatalities at all when moving fish accross.

Bacteria stuff in bottles are snake potions. They dont really help and are a total waste of money :good:
Benifitial bacteria doesn't live suspended in the water though. Why not just start with all fresh clean water?
Benifitial bacteria doesn't live suspended in the water though. Why not just start with all fresh clean water?

because of the aclimatisation process. Its much easier if 20-30% of your new tank water is from you old existing tank (providing it was healthy. the fish will settle in so much better.
But why? Water is water right, tank water just has some more nasties in than new water, aslong as its from the same source.
fish cope fine when you take them from the shop tank to your home tank so putting in new water is'nt as bad as going from a shop to home cos its from the same tap, i have used totally new water when upgrasding twice and had no problems :good: if you are getting a new bigger filter then either put the media in the new filter or run them side by side for 4months
But why? Water is water right, tank water just has some more nasties in than new water, aslong as its from the same source.

you have to mix water to reduce chemical shock to fish.

i mix the water for last one week to start the cycle on the tank wall and the new rocks..

am i doin it rite?
all gone very well.

but one of my tiger barb got cought in the heater and 1/4 body boiled inculuding one eye. soon as i release him, other fishes go for him.. and he was eaten alive in few secs.(1/4 part only).... so i have to take him out and put him in the battary acid.

what els can i do?

he was fooked like jumping mine victim. and still swiming.

when do i have to do the water change?

and how much..

you need to do weekly water changes, of about 10-20% which would be about 10-20 gallons, i personally do a 20 gallon water change on my tank and my tank is 130 gallons, 40 gallons more than you have.
you need to do weekly water changes, of about 10-20% which would be about 10-20 gallons, i personally do a 20 gallon water change on my tank and my tank is 130 gallons, 40 gallons more than you have.

thanks mr 130 g, mine is bit new tank... shall i wait for week or do it befor that?

hello again,

i have upgraded my tank 180l to 300l. 20 odd fishes.

running on used Rena xp2 and using some of the old rocks plants.

i have move water from each tank to other for four days. 20 to 30 liters at the time. on the final day (Sunday) i didn't move any water.. just the fishes.they look ok.

when do i have to do the water change? and how much?

thanks in advance.

i would do a waterchange 7 days after you put the fish in, but i dont know if thats the smart thing to do, thats just what i would do.

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