Upgrading lighting for my 20 gallon


you don't know JACK FISH
Oct 30, 2004
Reaction score
Montreal, Quebec
I finally found some cheap solutions to upgrade my lighting, well I think they are cheap anyway

I'm probably going to get this
comes with 50/50 65 watt bulb

or this

link 2
comes with 6,700k 65 watt bulb

it is basically the same thing except the bulbs are different.

Now this would drive my lighting from my current 0.75 wpg to 3.25wpg, thus giving me lots of options for high light plants :D

Does this sound like a good idea and is there anything extra I would need with these kits?
that link just shows a picture of halogen wall lamp strip...

Can you give me the ID of the product so I can search that?
I did find regular 2x20 watts T-12 ballast for 25$

is T-12 the regular kind of bulb?
I found an even better deal on petsolutions.com

CO2 system

I can get both of these shipped for about 100$ canadian, that's about 75$ cheaper than if I buy it at Big Al's over here...
I think I might go for that!

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