Upgraded my tank. Stocking advice welcome

What I do is nothing special, it is about being in touch with the fish you are trying to keep. Talk to them and let them talk to you.
All fish (and other animals) will tell you how they are feeling. They do not need voices....they communicate with their behaviour and body language. Sit and watch your fish every day and you'll soon learn their traits and know when they are not feeling well or are feeling stressed out.......the basics of water chemistry issues can be picked up by watching the fish interactions long before you reach for a test kit.
All fish (and other animals) will tell you how they are feeling. They do not need voices....they communicate with their behaviour and body language. Sit and watch your fish every day and you'll soon learn their traits and know when they are not feeling well or are feeling stressed out.......the basics of water chemistry issues can be picked up by watching the fish interactions long before you reach for a test kit.
What are your fish choices for this tank?
What are your fish choices for this tank?
Well its the same size as my aquarium...and I have a seriously ecclectic mixture

However, if I was starting with the Cories and Harlequins as this one is......I would go with dwarf cichlids (which I have in mine)

I know the books and websites say they shouldn't really be in larger schools due to tetchy tempers etc but as long as you remain vigliant with them, they do make an amazing and colourful display in a larger aquarium

I have 4 Gold Ram, 1 Blue Ram and an Apisto Viejita all living together. They have been together for tween 2 and 4 years and not had so much as a squabble. They share their space with Harlequins, Pepper & Bronze Cories and other misfitting fish and they get on brilliantly...no squabbles, no tantrums... (and they live in slightly cooler water - 25 degrees - but are still spawning, still vibrant, still hyperactive). If they were not thriving they would not spawn, they would be disease/illness ridden and would have died by now. And...heavens above...they have 99% silicone plants and ceramic rock caves too.

Soft water and that pH opens the doors to many varieties of fish....the world is the freshwater equivalent of your oyster really.
Wow. Thanks for all the replies and interesting discussion!

I like the idea of dwarf cichlids and gourami.

Ive always liked Bolivian rams but yet to keep them. How many if these is best to keep together?

Would gourami be okay with them too? I've had honey gourami in the past which was great but the pearls also look great.

I'm just thinking about areas of the tank these fish swim in too. Bolivian rams stay lower down don't they? With gourmari usually a bit higher.
Well I have two Honey's in my band of hooligans, they are no trouble at all with the Rams and Apisto in my aquarium

I do need to clarify that some of my hooligans have been with me for years and others were rescued from a neighbour's aquarium after the neighbour passed away last year. They aren't what I had visualised as my stocking "dream" and my crowd moved to the 200 litre from 5 x 60-70 litre aquariums. I am either very lucky or I have extremely mellow fish or my fish have decided to chew up all the testbooks...I do not know why they all get along so well....they just do get along well together and I have had no fighting or health issues whatsoever (I also do not use any chemicals).

I cannot, with all conviction recommend what you should have in your aquarium, reason being that every aquarium is different, every maintenance regime is different, all water is different and so forth. What is working brilliantly for me....might not be so successful for you, so it can be hard to determine what may or may not work for you.

As for Bolivians and the larger varieties of Gourami...not had those as yet, so cannot comment.
@itiwhetu is actually a wizard and keeps fish really well in ways I dont think most others could. I do disagree with him on seriously fish though its a great resource :)


What I do is nothing special, it is about being in touch with the fish you are trying to keep. Talk to them and let them talk to you.

@itiwhetu Also happens to forget that he lives in a part of the world with unbelievably pure, clean soft water in amounts most of us can never dream of. Water quality cannot be underestimated, and the vast majority of us do not have access to this kind of wonderful natural resource Iti has.
@itiwhetu Also happens to forget that he lives in a part of the world with unbelievably pure, clean soft water in amounts most of us can never dream of. Water quality cannot be underestimated, and the vast majority of us do not have access to this kind of wonderful natural resource Iti has.
I don't know of anyone else here who does have access to that kind of rainwater BESIDES @itiwhetu ...
Hello all!

Hope you are all well. I'm new to the forum and would love some advice.

I've recently upgraded to a 200litre tank from a 98 litre. I've got my old fish in it from the previous tank but wondered if anyone had any suggestions on other fish to add. I quite like the idea of rainbow fish but happy for other suggestions.

I currently have:
5x Sterbai Corys - might get some more to get above 6 but they were laying eggs beforehand so they may do it for me haha
15x Harlequin Rasbora

Thanks all,
Angelfish! i love my angels. I have 6 in a 210 litre tank with 22 corys, 5 bristlenose,17 guppies,18 neon tetras, 6 kribensis, and 8 kuhli loaches. its a heavily planted tank with around 750 litres worth of filtration through 4 large sponge filters (each suitable for tanks up to 150 litres) and a large internal filter
There's too many choices isn't there! I'll go the lfs and have a good look. Bolivian rams, gourami and apistogramma seem good options.
Hi all. Me again 🤣. I think I've decided on gourami. I'm thinking pearl, dwarf gourami or honey. Any advice on how many to add. Single, pair or more? Female/male. I've done a bit of research but seems to conflict a bit.

Thanks in advance
Hi all. Me again 🤣. I think I've decided on gourami. I'm thinking pearl, dwarf gourami or honey. Any advice on how many to add. Single, pair or more? Female/male. I've done a bit of research but seems to conflict a bit.

Thanks in advance
Stay away from the dwarfs, they are overbred, and most times diseased

Pearls are a good option for a tank that size, 1M/2F would be a good ratio...just keep in mind that they dwell near the upper regions of the tank, so floating plants are practically a must...they will act more naturally with floating cover

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