Upgrade To The 55

Ya, actually, the biggest selling point to me... it takes AA batteries.... i know weird, but it will make it so much easier in replacing batteries... and much cheaper... dont need a special lithium ion... any duracell or energizer works for me... and might look into getting some rechargable AA's... if I start using the camera more.

Ya, I looked into slr's cause of the amazing pictures quality but your right... way too much moneyfor a camera im going to be usuing on occassion... if it was my job, then sure... but not being a "prosumer" as they call the new breed of amatuer photographers who want good quality cameras....

Ox :good:
Kodak might mind... but I sure don't... like I said, decent camera for the money... def no SLR.... but still good quality

Ox :good:
Some new things going on.

First, my stats have leveled out since getting the 2in1 kit (Thanks for the intro to Bulk Reef Supply ski :nod: )... last night tested and things were looking pretty rosey - Calc:450, alk:8.1, Mag:1330, pH~8.0 (old test kit and early in the morn before lights on), phos:0-0.03.

My buddy just picked up a purple aussie torch which I'm quite jealous of. Three heads currently but two of the heads are splitting so will have five in no time... absolutly beautiful and I should try to get a pic of it for all of you to enjoy.... for those who are in the area, it was bought at reefshop.

Lastly, have started making purchases for the sump. its a 40G breeder tank that is based off the sump design on reefvideos.com (the duplex part anyways) as I feel this is an intriguing idea for growing natural filtration using a benthic zone. Listed below is the desired equip:

  • CPR CS90 Overflow (tank is undrilled) (Have)
  • Reef Octopus 110 recirc skimmer, fed by either a mag 2 or a T off of the return line, haven't decided yet (To Be Purchased)
  • Phosban reactor, fed by maxijet (Purchased, being delivered)
  • Mag 9.5 for return pump (Being delivered)
  • eggcrate for "duplex" framework (Purchased)
  • possibly an 8 or 15W UV in the future (To Be Purchased)

Def not the craziest set-up I've seen on the web but I think it should be a sound design with an interest on my part to see how this duplex design actually functions.... hopefully it won't just become a detritus trap....

Pictures to come over the next week or so as assembly begins.

Ox :good:
Strike that.... sump on hold for at least a month or so, purchasing a used 90G reefready tank with corner overflow from a local reefer getting out of the hobby... should get tank within next month or so (hopefully), depending on how soon he can get rid of his remaining corals. If you're in western NY and might be interested in some of his stock, pm me and I can give you his info...

But can't wait, more room for aquascaping and I have already planned some new fish to go in as well :shifty:

Ox :good:
Update pics:

Some new shelf rock and phosban reactor for the tank to come...


Then some update pics of some old favorites:






~~Then some new residents~~

Orange Malipora:


Yellow Birdsnest:


and a Gold Maxima:


Ox :good:
Well.. lost my aipstasia cherry tonight.... spotted my first ever aipstasia since I started keeping salt over a 15 months ago... been a good run, but it had to come to an end... anyways, gonna pick up some lemon juice after work tomorrow and take care of this before it starts spreading....


Kidding. I want a tank full of them. I'm trying my best to let them do that in my starfish tank but it's taking longer than I want. Man do they spread fast though!
New Pics! New Pics! New Pics! Rearranged rockwork and some new additions :shifty: a Purple Monti and a Toxic Green Yuma

Rearranged a bit (After attacking some hiding aiptasia that I didnt get.... :angry: )

Start with a before shot... nice grouping of corals IMO:


Then my new Frag shelf:


And the frags on it:




The new Yuma on my new rock shelf:



and Finally an FTS:


Thanks For Looking :good:
Great looking tank! Truly sexy in all the pictures you've posted. The color is intense and there's a vast array of coral.

1 question: Why is your back glass your dirty? Is that algee? Should it be like that?

Its not dirty... its encrusted with coraline... and some splotches of red slime algae (nasty stuff).... but yes, I like the back glass encrusted.... many reefers like the clean look, but first because I like the corline look and second because Im lazy about scraping, the coraline grows. I scrape the sides and front for viewing, but the back is just a backdrop so no big deal IMO :)

Plus it helps hide alot of the equipment as alot of it is also encrusted with coraline so it blends right in (minus the phosban reactor... only been up for a week or two now)... in my new 90G im getting tonight, I will have a sump plumbed in so no need to have all this equipment in the tank, so might just start scraping the glass to see if i like it.... but I'll prob end up letting it encrust again.

Ox :good:

O... and incase you didnt take the time to read the whole post above... you know who you are you lurkers :shifty: ..... I'm getting my new 90G tonight and will try to get some things plumbed, but I prob won't leak test the system until this weekend... damn football practice takes up most of my time... and thats american football... not soccer ;)
Gonna be huffin some glue setting up that sump? Sweet :)

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