Some new things going on.
First, my stats have leveled out since getting the 2in1 kit (Thanks for the intro to Bulk Reef Supply ski
)... last night tested and things were looking pretty rosey - Calc:450, alk:8.1, Mag:1330, pH~8.0 (old test kit and early in the morn before lights on), phos:0-0.03.
My buddy just picked up a purple aussie torch which I'm quite jealous of. Three heads currently but two of the heads are splitting so will have five in no time... absolutly beautiful and I should try to get a pic of it for all of you to enjoy.... for those who are in the area, it was bought at reefshop.
Lastly, have started making purchases for the sump. its a 40G breeder tank that is based off the sump design on (the duplex part anyways) as I feel this is an intriguing idea for growing natural filtration using a benthic zone. Listed below is the desired equip:
- CPR CS90 Overflow (tank is undrilled) (Have)
- Reef Octopus 110 recirc skimmer, fed by either a mag 2 or a T off of the return line, haven't decided yet (To Be Purchased)
- Phosban reactor, fed by maxijet (Purchased, being delivered)
- Mag 9.5 for return pump (Being delivered)
- eggcrate for "duplex" framework (Purchased)
- possibly an 8 or 15W UV in the future (To Be Purchased)
Def not the craziest set-up I've seen on the web but I think it should be a sound design with an interest on my part to see how this duplex design actually functions.... hopefully it won't just become a detritus trap....
Pictures to come over the next week or so as assembly begins.