Upgrade to Mbuna


New Member
Mar 23, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, UK
:) Hi, I've decied to have a go at keeping Mbuna Cichlid. But I would like to keep some of my old fish. I would like your advise on which Mbuna to keep with them.
I plan to buy a tank at least 60x24x24.
I have a new ehiem pro2 2026 bought ready for this tank.
The fish that I would like to keep are:
2x cuckoo catfish 4-5 inch( i've alredy read that these can live with some mbuna)
4x clown loach 3-4 inch and growing
And now the big one my 2x Cameroon Armoured Shrimp both 3 inch.
What do you recommend, will I have to drop my shrimp.( I know there ugly but i love them :wub: )
Thanks........................ :byebye:
Out of all your fish the cuckoo cats and clown loaches will be fine maybe consider another one or two cuckoo cats if you can they are schooling fish. I really don't think the shrimps will work either but can't say for certain

So far the you have a good plan
Agreed with above. My Syno Mulitpunctatus are much more active in their group and you have room for 6 easily. The Shrimp will get harassed and killed eventually.

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