Updates Cichlid Tank...with Babies!


Fish Crazy
Jun 11, 2004
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I've not posted any pictures of my tank for a long long while, so here's an updated pic. Since i last posted my fish have all been busy making babies.
They ate most of them, but a few lucky and brave souls survived and now the babies are freely challenging for food amoung their bigger parents.
Here's the pics...

Full tank shot, my fish are camera shy :grr: There's actually 9 Cichlids in this tank.


Giving me the.. 'i'm so cute so feed me' face.


Just like a day out at the beach...where's my bucket and spade.


Taking a peak out from its little cave


Mother and child..awww


Big bad daddy, who's repsonsible for eating most of his young :sad:

I've also got a few Amano Shrimp and a SAE, they were left over from my planted tank. Surprisingly my Cichlids don't bother the shrimp. I don't think they quite know what to make of them.

Fantastic looking tank, and very cute babies (looks quite calm and serene for a Cichlid setup, lol) - what size is it?

Looks really good paul. Still glad you swithced from planted??? i like the cleaness of the tank and the algea on the rocks for the fish to graze on when not pulling the feed me face.
That Algae looks brilliant probably not the kind of comment you want to hear but it`s perfect ! I want some.
Are those Blue labs ? or some kind of effect from the lights ?
Fish and tank looks really good what are the fish ?
I`d guess at Labs and Saulosi ?
Its only a 33 US gallon tank, with Yellow Labs and Socolofi. It is quite a 'peaceful' tank, the only time there is some action is when the SAE and the male Socolofi have a fight. Which consists of both swimming round in circles endlessly.

I really miss my planted tank, but it was just consuming too much time and effort. I go away to Tanzania next week for a month on a Leadership and Survival course (scary :hyper: ) so I needed a low maintainence tank which my family can look after.
I look at all the lovely Amano inspired planted tanks and wish I had a planted tank again. I enjoy messing about with my tank, but with a Cichlid tank you don't do anything except feed and water change. Whereas having a planted tank is like creating a living piece of art, that your constantly pruning and changing to make it 'perfect'.

However i'm going to try a marine tank as my next challenge, probably in 2 years time. Then when i've got a place of my own i'll know exactly what type of tank i enjoy keeping the most.

Everyone comments on how 'good' my algae is, even in my planted tank the algae on my slate rocks looked quite nice. It must be something in my water :D


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