Updated Thread: My Rummy Nose Tetras Doing Well But.....

Hi Jay26ie.

Hmmm Dun Laoghaire is a fair drive for me...about 30 miles (50km) I'd say. I'd have to head over on the M50....it would take over an 1hr or so home provided there was no traffic at all...and there's always traffic!!! :rolleyes:

I'd love to go and see it though.

Ok, well, there's two other places I might try also and they are in Lucan (The Fishbowl) and in Newbridge (Tinas pets)...both are not so far away. (I got my first 6 cardinals in the Newbridge place so thats promising.)

So you reckon I should cut back on the acclimatisation time then, Ok! I'll try that next time. I may get a few more tomorrow...I might have a window of opportunity in the afternoon!

Im not familiar with those places but im sure they have to be better than the place you are currently using.. When I acclimatise I usually float the bag for 20 mins, then open and fill about a 1/3 of the left over bag space with tank water every 10 mins untill the bag is full then I allow the fish swim out.. havent had a problem yet.. Again just be careful with rummys because they are particularly sensitive to transportation and acclimatisation...
no what you're doing sounds just fine, there's a bit of discussion over what is the absolute best way to acclimitise fish and what youre doing is one of the preferred choices! If I can find it I'll dig out an interesting thread on acclimitisation for you.

tri-mar is a mail order fish company, they're very highly recommended, myself and a number of others on the forum have used them for more unusual fish that the lfs can't get hold of, the stock and delivery etc is always spot on. I don't know for definate if they deliver to island but we had recommended them to someone who lives in the isles of scilly a few weeks back and they got some out to there with no problems at all so delivery to you may be possible.

just stick tri-mar in the search field on this forum, you'll find hundreds of positive reports of them, i've never yet heard of a bad one so I think it'd definately be worth giving them a call to see if they can deliver to you. :good:

another thing to consider is that when fish come into the fish shop they often have a journey of several hours to get there, sometimes even 48 hrs or so. So it is perfectly plausible that you can get your fish from a better shop that's a few hours drive away. you just need to tell the people in the shop and they will pack the fish up with enough air, get a polybox to put them in to keep the temp steady. so if you have a great shop an hour or two's drive away then maybe give them a bell and ask if they'd be happy to do this for you, most decent shops will.
Thanks for all that!!!

I was going to go over to the Newbridge shop this morning to see what I can get, but unfortunately they have nothing in stock by way of Cardinals or Rummy nose....that’s the place I got my first six (hardier) Cardinals...

Miss Wiggle you may recall, when I started out 6 months ago the Cardinals from this shop survived through a 'fish-in' cycle so, they must have been good stock alright! As far as I can see, that’s a hard feat to accomplish...especially with Cardinals!

So, What should I do with my single Rummy nose? At this point, I’m wondering should I just add him to my main tank, to minimize his stress levels.

Or is being on his own in the quarantine tank the better option for him at this time?

Oh and I forgot to say, I might give the Tri-Mar place a ring today and see if they deliver to Ireland.
Ok, just got through to Tri-Mar, unfortunately they don't deliver to Ireland, only Uk mainland. Oh well...thanks anyway!
Hi...me again....well, I just rang the place in Lucan, Dublin and they have Rummy nose tetra in stock...but no Cardinals. (They don't get in Cardinals because the fall out from them is too high...so there you go!)

They said they've some Rummy nose that have been with them a few weeks and some that they just got in today, but they are seperate.

So, I guess I'll go there and get a few of the older guys...wish me luck!!! I'll be shaking with anxiety all the way home. :lol:
Hi...me again....well, I just rang the place in Lucan, Dublin and they have Rummy nose tetra in stock...but no Cardinals. (They don't get in Cardinals because the fall out from them is too high...so there you go!)

They said they've some Rummy nose that have been with them a few weeks and some that they just got in today, but they are seperate.

So, I guess I'll go there and get a few of the older guys...wish me luck!!! I'll be shaking with anxiety all the way home. :lol:

Best of luck with the transporting of them.. Keep a very close eye on them while acclimatising as these guys are really sensitive to sudden changes of water temp and PH!
Well, I have 6 very big & fat Rummy nose tetras in my quarantine tank now...fingers crossed.

That shop was fantastic....they had the most amazing stock....huge Oscars!!! I'd love one of those...maybe next week! ha,ha!
Glad your trip was worthwhile, fingers crossed for you and them now :)
oh well shame about tri-mar, i wasn't sure if they'd cover ireland but always worth a shot! guessing they couldn't recommend anyone else that did?

anyway fingers crossed for your new rummy noses, make sure you keep us posted! Did you dose them with anti bac or anything like that as a precaution?
I did...the anti-bac is in there now....it can't do any harm I suppose, and if it helps then great!

These guys are really big & really fat.... I hoping that they'll be hardier as a result.

Those skinny fellas from the first shop just were so skrawny compared to these guys. I can see that now.

I've just come back from being out all day, and they look fine after their quiet time in the tank for a few hours.

Hope they are not too freaked tomorrow with all the hustle and bustle in the house & my noisy children. Never mind them, I'm totally freaked at the thoughts of them dying on me....I'll be awake all night worrying! -_-

Edited to say...thats so mad...there's actually seven Rummy noses in there?????????? I don't know how that happened? I thought they gave me five, but they must have given me six... :S
Edited to say...thats so mad...there's actually seven Rummy noses in there?????????? I don't know how that happened? I thought they gave me five, but they must have given me six... :S

Nice one! Theres nothing like a freebie! :good:
ha,ha...suppose so! :lol:

I do think I'm going mad though, cause I've counted them again, and it looks like only six, then I count again and I can count seven....its the way the swim over each other it hard to tell, they all seem to merge!

I'm sure its seven though....anyway, they are all alive, well and accounted for (more or less!) this morning... :)
ha, fun story, we've all been enjoying -- I'm still convinced you've all got access to better shops over there on your islands -- there are a few good ones in the states but unless you're very lucky they are usually too far away
All fish are well this morning still...so thats good.

I've run into a little glich though...my filter has started cycling. It must be because the tank only had one fish in it for a few days and some bacteria died off.

So, its water changes for the next few days to keep this under control. Its a pity, because now they won't get the proper precautionary dose of anti-internal bac that I wanted to give them.

Oh well....

The fun is always in the challenge, eh! ;)
Its likely only a mini-cycle and since you know what you're doing, you'll keep it nice and close to zero with your water changes. How do the rummys look.. visualy?


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