updated photo of planted tank

Good grief ! - I didn't know Vallis would do that (grow right along the surface of the water). That must make some of the strands about 2ft long ? Doesn't it block light to the plants below ?
Yup, mine is probably 2.5 to 3 foot long! Some are starting to curl back round! I used to trim it, but I was finding that the leaves go really horrible after doing this and became highly suseptible to algae, so now I'm trying it out by just letting it grow. Any leaves that I want to get rid off I cut off at the base.

Clockwise from left, Angelina Jolie, Monica Bellucci (Persephone from the Matrix trilogy), Bridget Moynahan (from the film Coyote Ugly) and Carmen Electra.
ooohhhhhhhh. I thought maybe they were model friends of yours :lol: I can't believe I didn't recognise Angelina Jolie, I think shes a great actress. And I'm a bit of a matrix fan so I'm shocked that I don't even recognise the Monica lady.

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