She shouldn't, as long as you keep her heavily fed, and leave her and the babies alone (besides changing the "ppop corner") for the most part until the babies get a light coat of fur. Are you only feeding her hammy food? If so I would recommend picking up some yogurt drops, give her one every couple of days...well, evey three days...too many of those will give them diaria..Oh, and as an added bonus (I used to breed hammy's, so I know...worked in pet stores for over seven years in the small animal department. ) Go to Walmart, go to the pet section...or garden area, depending on where they keep their bird seed. Buy a bag of dried corn on the cob. Ppl feed this to squirrels, but your hammy's teeth never stop growining like a squirrel, and she needs added protien if she will have to nurse a large litter. Giver her one of these as needed (whenever all of the corn is gone.) Mine always loved it. Stop buying her chews all together..anything you let her chew on that is wooden...unless it is a hammy pine house, it is bad for them. I would also invest in some vitamin drops for her water...only fill her water half way, add the drops, and change it every day. GOOD LUCK! Email me if you want to for more help. Also, where do you live? Interested in selling a female hammy to me? I would like one! Are the parents tri-colored, blk, golden, or mini?
Oh, have you givenher nesting materials yet? Ball up a sheet of newspaper and throw it in there, or go out and buy one og those straw hammy hut balls at your local pet not giver her toilet tissue...she might try to eat it, and most of that stuff is scented, giver her kitchen towel paper if you have a roll laying sheet will do. Do not give her cotton, even if it is made for hammy's. I have had it tangle around baby hammy limbs...bad stuff. I WANT PICS!!!