Update - The Passing Of A Real Beauty X


Fish Crazy
Aug 15, 2006
Reaction score
Essex, UK
He was in my community tank previously and then they got ich. Betta got it really bad so i just added some anti white spot plus and it cleared off of all the others but not him. So i already had a 1.6 gal tank cycling for him and we put him in that with some interpet methelyne blue. Yesterday he looked really sad, he's losing colour on his belly, the bottom of his tail has gone kinda see-through and he doesnt seem to have any buoyency, he cant swim down, hes just wedged him self between the filter and the glass. I tried to get him to eat last night putting in a couple of bloodworms which sank and he couldnt get to, so i added some flake, he didnt really try to get at it so later on we tried to feed him some bloodworms with tweezers but hes just not interested. What else can i do :( :( :(
Poor sick little fella :(

I have a terrible record with sick Betta. I stopped keeping them in communitiies and split tanks.

I hope he gets better for you.
Try putting him in the dark and don't disturb him, see how he is in the morning.
Just this minute checked on him and he's now gone! :sad: He was so beautiful.. see my avatar! Ive actually got tears in my eyes! RIP baby x
:( so sorry about your fish...its not nice when they die but at least you looked after him well! :good:
Oh darn! It's so sad when they pass on. :-( Take comfort in knowing you did all you could.

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