Update On Takuta


Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2005
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I find it vastly annoying...

I was doing a water change last night and I put him in the tub that I bought him in while I siphoned the gravel (it's fairly good sized). He ate several pellets while in there.

I've had him for about two weeks.

So maybe he's still adjusting in his tank, and familiarity is the reason he ate when I put him in the tub?
How big is your tank? You shouldn't need to take him out to clean it. Maybe that's why he's stressed? Not sure. Are there any other odd symptoms? Maybe a pic will help.
If the tank is big - then he might not like it in there. Sometime bettas just don't like big spaces and sometimes they love it.

It just sounds like a temperment issue here - there's really nothing I can see that I could help you w/ behavior stuff - sorry.
He's perfectly healthy and beautiful. There's absolutely nothing wrong with him, I'm sure. Notice the picture in the signature... and his fins and scales are fine.

Perhaps a bit more information would help?
Okay so he takes the pellet in and then he has it in his mouth for like... 7 full seconds as if tasting it. And then he seems to decide, "Naw. I'm too good for this." And spits it out. Sometimes he chases it and put s it in his mouth several more times before letting it disappear to the bottom.

The tank is 1.7 gallons. He has a plant and a little cave he likes to swim through.

I dont usually move him... I just wanted to because I find it easier.

I cant get him any sort of worms because my parents aren't open to the idea.

I tried giving him these Hikari Brine Shrimp flakes and he spits those, too.
I got my guy eating by feeding him FROZEN blood worms. It only takes a little itty bitty chunk to feed an army after they get unthawed. Mine just slurped 'em right up. You could offer to wrap them up really really well and tuck them in a back corner of the freezer with a label for other's not to touch. You could have your mom PM me and I'll tell her how good they are and how your fish might start eating if he gets a few. How's that? Give me a heads-up first. K? K.
I appreciate it... but it's not going to work... I can already tell you. =/

But I did get them to get frozen peas...

Will that work, do you think?
Mhm he's been around maybe two weeks.

And as I asked at the first post.
Maybe he's just adjusting? And seeing how picky he can be?
Or being shy.....hard to say. Maybe when you change water you can siphon it out in there? or just take a cup and scoop for the time being. I'm from the midwest too maybe your mom would heed my words on bloodworms? ( that and I'm an old one :fun: ) Cracker suggested I starve mine for a day which I did too and that helped. I'm sure you go over and talk to him alot. I think mine's decided I'm an ok lady now. The 1st time I siphoned his bowl out when he was in that I think he thought I wasn't. Can you get any freeze dried bloodworms? Maybe you could try those...
Does he need a larger bowl? I dunno...trying to read their minds is hard. If you live close enough I'll bequeath my 2.5 gallon to you.

Another edit--does he have a fake plant in there with him to hide in maybe? Is he in an active part of the house? Noisy? trying to come with answers here for you......
You are right, it is perfectly normal for a betta to not eat for the first few days when its in its new home :nod:
He'll come around, just have some patience :)

Or being shy.....hard to say. Maybe when you change water you can siphon it out in there? or just take a cup and scoop for the time being. I'm from the midwest too maybe your mom would heed my words on bloodworms? ( that and I'm an old one :fun: ) Cracker suggested I starve mine for a day which I did too and that helped. I'm sure you go over and talk to him alot. I think mine's decided I'm an ok lady now. The 1st time I siphoned his bowl out when he was in that I think he thought I wasn't. Can you get any freeze dried bloodworms? Maybe you could try those...
Does he need a larger bowl? I dunno...trying to read their minds is hard. If you live close enough I'll bequeath my 2.5 gallon to you.

Another edit--does he have a fake plant in there with him to hide in maybe? Is he in an active part of the house? Noisy? trying to come with answers here for you......

Hmmmm. Well. I overfed him on accident once. So I didnt feed him for two days. He should be fine by now, you'd think.
I dont think he needs a larger bowl... thank you very much for the offer, though.
He has a fake plant he likes to sit in and swim in between the various sections.
He's in my room. Not noisy. :-(

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