Update On Cory Trilineatus Fry


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol UK
Hi all

All 8 are doing well,the older 2 being more noticable by their size :) and i saved an egg 2 days ago,good timing has it hatched this morning :wub: Also found another egg not eaten by platies has the cories were spawning again yesterday :rolleyes: They certainly breeding well !!

Will a new fry be safe with a 3 week old fry?

Here's a new video of active fry
new cory fry video

Here's updated pics
nearly 3 week old fry

new fry hatched today
Hi Harlequins :)

I enjoyed watching the video of your little corys. :thanks: They are doing very well.

I have C. pandas that spawn frequently but in small batches, and I just put them in with whatever other young fry I have. They get along well until the older fry reach the size where their frequently fast and erratic swimming interferes with the smaller ones. Newly hatched fry are almost helpless for the first few days and aren't able to get out of the way of the bigger ones. When you see that happening, it's time to start another container for the youngsters. :D
Thanks inchworm :)

I have left the new fry in a separate tub floating on the tank with an airstone,the size is very noticeable with the older ones,i'd probably lose the wee little fry in the tank :rolleyes: I'll build the fry up first. :)

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