Up And Down Up And Down!


Mar 10, 2010
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I havent been keepingcories for very long, but my julli's and my leucomela's go up and down the glass NONE STOP for ages, then have a small rest and do it again!!
Its as if they are in some kind of trance, and just go up and down like crazy!
Is this normal? Or have I got mental cories?
Thanks, Amy.
its not uncommon, mine do it a lot when they get excited, maybe they are considering spawning :)
mine used to do that a couple of days before they spawned, and then again when they actually spawned :D
Aww so they must be happy then? I'm glad it's common, I was starting to worry that they would kill themselves off by not resting!
How exciting if they spawn!!
Amy xx
I'm glad someone posted this because mine do this too - I thought there might have been something mental about them! They also swim into the filter stream as fast as they can and then stop, and get pushed upside down backwards to the other end of the tank and start over. They have an amazing turn of speed that I wasn't expecting too...
My C. sterbai and B. splendens youngsters spend quite a bit of time doing this, but over time they have chilled out a little and sometimes just relax on the sand. They do look so much happier than the older brochis in another tank, who almost look depressed just staring out into space for long periods, before going bonkers at food time!
At the moment my pandas are the most placid. They do move about but they aren't crazy like the others! They are quote tiny at the moment and I was advised by the guy in the LFS that they only get to about 1 and a half inches. Is this correct?
Amy xx
my trillis do this all the time, much more so than any of the others I have.
My panda cory does this, and does laps around the heater - up one side of the heater, through behind the sucker pads, down the other side and then start all over again. He can keep at it for ages. The peppereds also seem to like playing follow the leader through the plants.

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