Fish Gatherer
Well I have really gotten attached to the little fellow. He is about a half inch long right now, but I can't resist his tiny little beedy eyes looking up at me all the time. They're worse than betta eyes.
I just can't help to fall for them. I moved my newest betta to Angus's 3 gallon bowl and I moved Angus to his old 1.5 gallon bowl and I moved Pea princess (my tiniest female betta) back into her 1 gallon kritter keeper from the 1.5 gallon bowl and now everyone seems happy. I will probably be able to pick up a divider or two to divide the 10 gallons. Then I will move my four boys to the 10 gallons so they can each have their own 5 gallon spaces.
The DP seems to love the 2.5 gallon tank so I may just keep him in there and see how he gets along. Then when I can afford something bigger, I'll upgrade to a 5 gallon or something along those lines.
It's like tetris having to move everything around hoping for the perfect combination.
Hope everything works out okay.

The DP seems to love the 2.5 gallon tank so I may just keep him in there and see how he gets along. Then when I can afford something bigger, I'll upgrade to a 5 gallon or something along those lines.

It's like tetris having to move everything around hoping for the perfect combination.