Unwanted Dwarf Puffer

Well I have really gotten attached to the little fellow. He is about a half inch long right now, but I can't resist his tiny little beedy eyes looking up at me all the time. They're worse than betta eyes. :wub: I just can't help to fall for them. I moved my newest betta to Angus's 3 gallon bowl and I moved Angus to his old 1.5 gallon bowl and I moved Pea princess (my tiniest female betta) back into her 1 gallon kritter keeper from the 1.5 gallon bowl and now everyone seems happy. I will probably be able to pick up a divider or two to divide the 10 gallons. Then I will move my four boys to the 10 gallons so they can each have their own 5 gallon spaces.

The DP seems to love the 2.5 gallon tank so I may just keep him in there and see how he gets along. Then when I can afford something bigger, I'll upgrade to a 5 gallon or something along those lines. :thumbs:

It's like tetris having to move everything around hoping for the perfect combination. :lol: Hope everything works out okay.
I just recently bought a 5 gallon hex front from wallmart fer 30 bucks, to put a dp in actually. You could always send him my way
catyrpelius said:
I just recently bought a 5 gallon hex front from wallmart fer 30 bucks, to put a dp in actually. You could always send him my way
Do you live in florida? I wouldn't want to ship him and he is doing fine in his 2.5 gallon right now. :nod:

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