
my fat fish

Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2006
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i have a bn pleco that i brught the other day but when i got it home it looks odd so i ran downstirs and looked at my other plec i have had for a year and ther compleatly diffrent in body markings they boath have the right nose on them lol but my new one also has golden spots like a nugget pleco :S is this usual could they have been cross bread?

also whilst tryping this i just notised my old bn pleco dart to the top of the tank out of the water a little then strait back down to the bottom and spat out loads of bubbles ???!!!??! whats that about lol
I`m no plev exbert but i think there are a few diffrent plects that get bristley noses so might be one of those.

and as for the gulping of air, they all do it from time to time its no biggy
sounds like our original Male...

I was sure he was a true Teminiki Ancistrus...

my pleco acts like that all the time, so does my cory.

the only REAL odd thing mine ever did, was go into the filter ... i heard funny noises and had to grab him out, be he was okay!
it could be a sub species of Gloden nugget mislabeled. As I think golden nuggets are or were classified as Ancistrus, but I think they are under a similar name, but it begins with B, :lol: I'll have to check that one for you



the name I was looking for was: Baryancistrus

some pics would be of great help.

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