Fish Fanatic
I've recently aquired a rather active eel today. I've been watching them at the petstore for weeks and finally got the nerve to get one. I happened to spot this fellow with an odd red gradient in his tail section -
So far he's doing well, though I expect my ghost shrimp in this holding tank to disappear soon. Yes I know plastic plants aren't the optimal foliage in there.. They will be replaced with silk plants when I get my next paycheck to fully set up the tank.
I have a male DT betta in there and they've both ignored each other, with the betta being so laid back he doesn't react to the mirror at all. One point he even slipped under the rock shelter I have for the eel, stared at him a moment, and kept swimming right through. The eel is not skittish in the least, investigated my finger for a moment and ignored the blood worm I offered him. Currently he's chilling outside the rock by the heater, and I hope to see him become used to my presence enough to come up for feeding.
So far he's doing well, though I expect my ghost shrimp in this holding tank to disappear soon. Yes I know plastic plants aren't the optimal foliage in there.. They will be replaced with silk plants when I get my next paycheck to fully set up the tank.
I have a male DT betta in there and they've both ignored each other, with the betta being so laid back he doesn't react to the mirror at all. One point he even slipped under the rock shelter I have for the eel, stared at him a moment, and kept swimming right through. The eel is not skittish in the least, investigated my finger for a moment and ignored the blood worm I offered him. Currently he's chilling outside the rock by the heater, and I hope to see him become used to my presence enough to come up for feeding.